You are hereI leanered myself a new trick!

I leanered myself a new trick!

By Q-Bert - Posted on 12 December 2009

Today, while watching my cat clean himself, I was inspired to try it myself, and have discovered that I am very flexible! Now, I no longer need to put peanut butter and call the cat, as I can do it myself.

As a side not, maybe it is time that I change my password from something that everybody knows.

MauriceRevek's picture

Just because this got removed from the front page.

Coxxorz's picture

This shirt is a good seller this year for some reason. That means more LAN party swag for the coming year!

Akuf's picture

Let's see

Blackwalt - 2
Stormblade - 1
Revek - 1
coxxorz - 1000

so you sold 1004?


Coxxorz's picture

Although most of them seem to be coming from a "G. Bush" in Kanata...

Swag's picture

unless you are referring to me. Or use 'Swag' instead.


Coxxorz's picture

Are you high?

MauriceRevek's picture

He is referring tot he capitalization. We must use capital "S" when referring to swag. Pretty soon, he is going to start using the royal "We".

Swag's picture

swag = me

Swag = stuff

Hence use Swag.

And I am not high, but I feel drunk..

MauriceRevek's picture

I know I am subject to spelling mistakes, but I think when I read your name under your title where it says Submitted By, I am pretty sure I see a "Swag" not "swag"

Swag's picture

well that's a mistake then, maybe the site automatically capitalizes names?

The point is that I am getting people to post about nonsense.

Stormblade's picture

From now on, I've decided to call you Bling.

With a capital 'B'.

Akuf's picture call him something else but was told not to because it wasn't PG13

Coxxorz's picture


Akuf's picture

Rhymes with swag and I am not talking about cigarettes.

Coxxorz's picture


Coxxorz's picture

Intelligence FAIL.

Akuf's picture


Coxxorz's picture

Hence my confusion.

MauriceRevek's picture

You named yourself after cheap door prizes.

Coxxorz's picture

I haven't ROFLed that much in a long time.

Thank you.

MauriceRevek's picture


Q-Bert's picture

This is what happens when I invite Revek to my place.

The cool thing about being an admin is that I will delete this whole story in 30 mins...

Blackwalt's picture

...I am a greater admin than you.

Mr. Regular Contentcat.

You may wish now begin sucking up to regain your admin status...

Q-Bert's picture

... if I didn't have admin access to the whole Database...
Enjoy *your* admin rights while you have them.

Stormblade's picture

My Admin is bigger than your Admin. Phhhttt!

MauriceRevek's picture

My admin can grep your admin!

Akuf's picture

I would beat you all senseless with French loaf

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