You are hereHoC Xbox live status page is down
HoC Xbox live status page is down has shut down due to lack of support and bandwidth issues. This is the website we used to power our Live Status page. LiveCard left us with the following note:
Bad News Everybody!
Over the past few months we have spoken to dozens of data centers to fix our speed issues, we were even ready to build a new beasty server but the costs for the bandwidth we require is a tad beyond what we are willing to pay out and the service in it's current state is useless... so we're saying goodbye.
It's not a decision we've come about lightly and we've tried considering many alternatives but we've had to step back and let it go, the dev area will remain available for about the next couple of days for you to grab anything you want to hang onto. We will likely have vanished by the 24th... sorry about the short notice, there we're some problems on my end.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their contributions to the community and apologise to you all for having to give up like this.
LucidReality & The 3xodus
We are searching for an alternative and will update the Live Status page as soon as we find one.
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This is my gamertag: [gamertag:jehreg]
Take a look. Blackwalt can have a look at the source page and tell me if that's what he had in mind.
If you check this page(node 405) you will see that I had the equivalent running yesterday.
I did not post this as I replacement because these are gamercards. They do not show status – Last online 2 hours ago, online playing Halo 3, etc. allows you to do the same thing with custom gamercards but does not report back on status.
Since the page is called Xbox live status I was continuing my search.
I did find PHP code to do this as MS makes the info available through but haven't found anything yet that will work in Drupal.
email me the PHP code.