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The Twelve Days of Coxxmas

By Coxxorz - Posted on 19 December 2009

In case you haven't noticed, there seem to be a lot of deals floating around this time of year. Most of them aren't worth their own News story, so rather than pollute the site I'm going to compile them here ("here" being my blog (OMG - I have a blog! (hey, can I have this many nested brackets? (it's like putting an emoticon inside of brackets - is that allowed? ;-))))) I'll also link to this page from the Coxxorz Random Deal of the Day widget, on the off chance enough actual content gets posted to push this off the front page.

So without further ado, here are some random deals you may have missed*:

- Future Shop is selling Tekken 6 for Xbox 360 for $29.99
- Dell is selling the God of War Collection for PS3 for $34.99
- Wal-Mart is selling Left 4 Dead 2 (both platforms) for $39.99 even though Future SHop and best Buy have raised their price to $70.
- Xbox Live Marketplace is offering a pair of "2010" novelty glasses for your avatar for FREE.
- Microsoft (I know!) is offering a free game and 1600 MS points for referring a friend who buys an Xbox 360 Elite.
- Xbox Live Marketplace is offering Worms 2: Armageddon for half price at 400 points.
- Blockbuster Video is once again offering Buy 2, get 1 free on used XBOX/PS3/Wii games. Also videos.
- Xbox Live Marketplace is offering a 2010 New Years premium theme for FREE!
- Thinkgeek is selling the ORIGINAL Sega Dreamcast console for $14.99US, brand new!
- The Xbox Live Marketplace Deal of the Day is supposed to be a sale on Avatar Golf for 200 points. (not confirmed)
- Wal-Mart is selling Assassin's Creed 1, FarCry 2 and Hawx for Xbox 360 for just $14.83.
- Best Buy is selling the Logitech Harmony remote Adapter for Playstation 3 for $59.99
- Xbox Live Marketplace is offering a Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for 560 MS points (regular 1200).
- Zellers will be selling Assassin's Creed 2 for $29 from Dec. 26 - 31. There's even a chance all Ubisoft games are 50% off there.
- Xbox Live Marketplace is offering a Uno Rush for 400 MS points (regular 800).
- has some excellent gaming deals posted.
- Xbox Live Marketplace is offering a The Secret of Monkey Island SE for 400 MS points (regular 800).
- EB Games is selling the Call of Duty: World At War Collector's Edition for $29.99 (for the Xbox 360)

*Deals may or may not still be valid by the time you get around to reading this, you lazy slob.

- HMV will be selling Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for $29.99 (5 copies for each platform, per store).

- Toys R Us has 25% OFF all Wii accessories until Jan. 3.
- Best Buy is selling the Xbox 360 120GB Elite Holiday Value Bundle for $250 (regular $300). Includes Pure and Lego Batman. *Don't forget about the free game mentioned above.
- Zellers is selling Assassin's Creed 2 for $32.49 (half price).
- Future Shop is selling Call of Duty: World at War for $30 (regular $60).
- Shoppers Drug Mart is clearing out their 16-pack of Ferrero Rocher chocolates for $3.99
- Future Shop is selling Gears of War 2 for $19.99 (regular $44.99).
- Best Buy is selling Batman: Arkham Asylum for PS3 for $29.99 (Xbox version $39.99 for some reason).
- is selling the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Hardened Edition for the same price as most places sell the regular edition: $59.96.
- Xbox Live Marketplace is offering a Zune movie rental of Stargate: Continuum for 80 MS points, instead of something people actually want.
- Xbox Live Marketplace is selling Castle Crashers for 560 MS points! (reg. 1200)
- Future Shop is selling Firefly: the Complete Series on DVD for $12.99.
- Real Canadian Superstore is selling certain Xbox accessories for $10 off. Of note: 2800 MS points becomes $29.99 (reg. $39.99). Also included are controllers, wireless adapters, and 12 months of Live. *NOTE: Also on at Loblaws
- Xbox Live Marketplace is selling Battlefield 1943 for 560 MS points! (reg. 1200) *Coxxorz' Pick
- Best Buy is selling the Turtle Beach Earforce X1 headset for $39.99. But you can price match at Future Shop for another $3 off.


UPDATE: 2800 MS Points cards are also $30 at Loblaws, in case there's no Superstore near you. Live Subs are $49.99.

RANDOM PREVIOUS DEALS OF THE DAY (May or may not still be valid)
- Zellers is clearing out their Halo Legendary Edition for $34.99. If you find any, pick me up one.
- Staples is selling 1400 MS points cards for $14.99 (25% off)
- NASA is now selling their used space shuttles for $28.8M (30% off)
- Loblaws/Superstore are selling the Xbox Live 1400 Points cards for $14.99 ($5 off)
- Zellers is selling the Xbox 360 Black Accessory Kit for $39.99 (reg $85).

Swag's picture

More people need to get this so that we can get a HoC Squad!

And because of this sale the servers are flooded with n00bs, so that when me and Coxxorz enter a game, even one that is almost over, we still win by a large margin.

Hell last night we were the clear cut winners everytime, and we were drunk!

Coxxorz's picture

But since my vision was distorted and we were celebrating every single explosion, I may have just been killing Swag over and over.

Battlefield makes a GREAT drinking game. You get a kill: you drink. You die: you drink.

WARNING: Do not try this with Modern Warfare 2.

Coxxorz's picture

The Xbox gaming deals for the next few daysmay include the following LIVE Arcade goodies:

Dec. 24th: UNO Rush - 400 MS points (reg. 800)
Dec. 25th: The Secret of Monkey Island - 400 points (reg. 800)
Dec. 26th: Magic: The Gathering - 400 points (reg. 800)
Dec. 27th: Fallout 3 DLC - 400 points
Dec. 28th: Guitar Hero 5 Rolling Stones Live Track Pack - 320 points (reg. 720)
Dec. 29th: Braid - 560 points (reg. 1200)
Dec. 30th: Castle Crashers - 560 points (reg. 1200)
Dec. 31th: Battlefield 1943 - 400 points (reg. 800)

Coxxorz's picture

Looks like we might get screwed out of Castle Crashers if the shitty movie rentals continue.

Sorry Swag.

Swag's picture

I already have Castle Crashers.

And I just noticed that it says that the deal for the 31st is for BF 1943 from 800 points to 400, but the game is 1200 points..

Coxxorz's picture

Which explains why we've been hosed on some of the deals.

I'm saying sorry because if it's not on sale, I'm not buying it, so no co-op for Swaggie. Again.

Swag's picture

Well there is always Spec Op snowmobiling....weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Coxxorz's picture

Now I just need a deal on MS points, and I can finally play something that Swag has!

Unless he doesn't play it anymore...

Swag's picture

Just buy it. It will be like 5$, depending on how many points you already have.

And I go have games, just mostly loner ones.

Coxxorz's picture

You said "loner".

It's not bad, actually. I can see having a lot of fun playing it from the start with other noobs, rather than jumping into the hard parts with someone who's level A Million while I'm level Bullshit.

Swag's picture

Loner:A loner is a person who avoids or does not actively seek human interaction or prefers to be alone.

But yeah, Castle Crashers is fun with a bunch of people. Even though it only takes 2-3 hours to beat, it has lots of re-playability.

Next time I'll take a level one character then...

Coxxorz's picture

I thought you were trying to type this.

Q-Bert's picture

jumping into the hard parts with someone who's level A Million while I'm level Bullshit

Welcome to my world.

Swag's picture

Like, everything?

Swag's picture

is just each one at 400 points, not two or all of them for 400 points.

Akuf's picture

It was probably the Pitt or Anchorage.

Swag's picture

It's all of them for 400 points each.

Swag's picture

Well hopefully this comes true (and includes all 5 DLC packs, but when I thinkg about it....probably not).

Maybe you can stop trying to get the Fallout 3 GOTY edition, as I'd rather just spend 5$ for the DLC.

Otherwise I will get the other thing on sale this week *cough*ShadowComplex*Cough* that I wanted.

Coxxorz's picture

I'm gonna keep ordering that bastard until they actually confirm it. Then I'm gonna cancel.

Swag's picture

In your FACE Future Fail

Swag's picture

that Shadow Complex is on sale this week for 800 points (from 1200).

I will probably pick this up, as the demo was really cool.

Swag's picture


Coxxorz's picture

Or ask Santa. Only a few days to go!

MauriceRevek's picture

Is it me or does there seem to be something very wrong with the title? Coxxmas, coxxuka? Coxxadam? The winter coxxstice? Coxxing day? Oh no. I think I just gave him his next title for next week.

Coxxorz's picture

Coxxing Day FTW!

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