You are hereDecember 2009 Top Picks

December 2009 Top Picks

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 January 2010

Six pages of content for December. Barely our average but Christmas slowed things down. The best reoccurring topics you could come up with were Modern Warfare 2 glitches and Coxxmas bargain hunting. Try for better this month.

Top Stories by Read count:

  • 411 readsAlmost forgotten
  • 279 readsThe Twelve Days of Coxxmas
  • 241 readsI leanered myself a new trick!

    Q-Bert seems to have fixed our Read count counter. The numbers are much more accurate this time around. Not as impressive but accurate. Blackwalt posting about bargains took first, Coxxorz posting about bargains took second and something about Q-Bert and his lack of internet security to third.


Top Stories by Comments:

  • 37 commentsAlmost forgotten
  • 27 comments I leanered myself a new trick!
  • 25 comments The Twelve Days of Coxxmas

    Since the three winners are the same so are the comments, just reverse second and third in your head:
    Q-Bert seems to have fixed our Read count counter. The numbers are much more accurate this time around. Not as impressive but accurate. Blackwalt posting about bargains took first, Coxxorz posting about bargains took second and something about Q-Bert and his lack of internet security to third.

Half-pint's top picks:

Top Numbers from previous months:

    November: 17 comments, 541 reads
    October: 32 comments, 216 reads
    September: 36 comments, 463 reads
    August: 21 comments, 312 reads
    July: 14 comments, 349 reads
    June: 26 comments, 586 reads
Swag's picture

Most annoying user should still go to Noir though.

Coxxorz's picture

Not ALL awards have prizes, you know.

Swag's picture

But I didn't want prizes, just facts.

Coxxorz's picture

You know, with Noir being gone, guess who's next in line...

Swag's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

To know who won the Revek award. Hop it' noght me.

Coxxorz's picture

Oh wait, nevermind.

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