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Zombie Killers, Qu'est-ce que c'est?
New high for Der Riese!
And, by the way, 24 wasn't our high
So Graybush, Stormblade and I have a love/hate relationship with the "Der Riese" map on Call of Duty: World at War. We have our patterns and strategies and we still die. Often. And often early.
But we had reached as high as 20 previously. Twenty! And we were damn proud of that twenty.
Last night ignoring some early selfishness by one of the other two bastards (*cough* Stormblade *cough*) our plan came together early and worked. We had all the perk-a-colas, we had all upgraded weapons, we worked our way through the following: .357 Plus 1 K1L-u (.357 Magnum), The Widow Maker (BAR), B115 Accelerator (Browning M1919), 420 Impeller (FG42), FIW Nitrogen Cooled (M2 Flamethrower), Barracuda FU-A11 (MG42),The Afterburner (MP40), The Reaper (PPSh-41), Porter's X2 Ray Gun (Ray Gun), and even the Wunderwaffe DG-3 JZ (Wunderwaffe DG-2). We even had $3000 knifes.
Monkey to Zombies: "Be my friend?"And monkeys, lots and lots of monkeys. They were the only reason we survived.
At one time we had three of the upgraded Ray Gun's. You would think we would have been happy with the first set of upgraded weapons but we had to keep replacing them as we kept running out of ammo. We upgraded our weapons so often that all three of us earned an achievement: Pack Addict! for 25G, Upgrade 5 weapons at the Pack a Punch Machine. The tickle trunk cycled through all of the available spots at least once as we were hitting it so hard we practically saw more teddy bears than zombies.
Our key strategy was cowering and creating floor guys.
We setup on a catwalk which allows the Zombie and Hell Hounds only one path of approach. And we filled that path with a hail of lead, flame, and ray beams. The Zombies never knew what hit them. Unless they got to the end of the catwalk with us and then we all hit them while screaming like little girls. Once even a Hell Hound got in there and wanted to play.
The end of the catwalk has a small room with just enough space to swing a cat. It can hold a Tickle Trunk and three bodies. Us. One inside and two outside. When a power up dropped one of us advanced as the other two kept killing.
Our catwalk of Hope & Love: (and death)
When we got an insta-kill, Graybush and Stormblade opened up a path for me and my FIW Nitrogen Cooled M2 Flamethrower to have a little Zombie barbeque. And constantly we watched for the last wave and worked on creating one last Zombie floor guy. Leaving one slow Zombie alive left us with freedom to move around the level. Collecting Perk-a-colas (which you lose when you need to be revived btw), new weapons, activating teleporters and hunting down the new locations of Tickle Trunk.
Zombie RaveWe had a strategy for almost everything until the last level. We had no strategy for Zombies holding a Rave in our little catwalk room. A Rave of Zombies and Hell Hounds. A special little dance party that took down Graybush first and then, once Stormblade and I were down to just our Bowie knifes and our finger nails, I went down. Stormblade danced on our dead bodies for a while, joined in the RAVE for a while and then went down as well. His and Graybush's dead bodies curled so gracefully around each other... sweetly... blissfully... under a freaking dancing mob of ZOMBIES!
Level 24 would have been a record for us but we reached 26! Twenty Freaking Six. That's a 2 followed by a 6. This was a big jump and a new record. And it went long. I remember at 10:20 saying I was quitting out after this round no matter how early it was. 11:39 was how early. The game lasted so long that we had two bathroom breaks, a phone call, two beer runs and several "u suck" Xbox Live messages from Coxxorz during the last few levels.
Twenty Freaking Six
I'd like to say that was us done for "Der Riese" in Call of Duty: World at War but, honestly, I think 28 is doable. Unless Coxxorz joins us and then it will be a struggle for 14.
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That sounded like a shot.
As for your camera work, just get Rollie to draw your screen captures with his crayons. It would be clearer.
Tripod... Trypod.... Dammit....
B: the spot where the Tripod would have to go is kind of full. With me. And my chair.