You are hereHow many RROD Xbox 360s can you have at one time?
How many RROD Xbox 360s can you have at one time?
Three. The answer is three.
Now. Ask how I know. I dare you.
Astute readers may realize that I own three Xbox 360 console and put 3 and 3 together to come up with the wrong answer. Fortunately I am hosting Stormblade's flakey Xbox 360 and despite two attempts at a repair, it RRODed after 2 hours use this morning. Roly was aghast at the loss of his Lego Indiana Jones 2 progress. Thanks for the (accidental) loan of the game Stormblade. I was aghast when it happened shortly after when using the brand new (for me) Halo 3 special edition console. At least it's still under warranty (and it's working flawlessly again).
Add to this my original repaired core which locked up two nights ago and I am down to a single working Xbox 360 console.
Hanging on by my fingernails as it were.
And stop with the snarky comments. No one is surprised by this, so your comment about the "inferior console" fall on deaf ears. We all know! We suffer through it for Xbox Live and for the games. So shut it. You own one too!
And from my repair guy, "... if they red ringed thats fast, then its highly unlikely that the motherboards are going to last once repaired again..."
Yeah, I know that too.
I have no problem surrendering Stormblade's console to the land fill but I will probably try one more attempt at repairing mine. Probably.
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Which is the remaining functional one again?
And, technically, still the Halo Special Edition as Rolly and I have used it a lot since the RROD this morning.