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Three Ring Circus

By Blackwalt - Posted on 24 January 2010

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends...

Thanks Flashgirl for the much better headline.

The pink one in the middle? Yeah, that's not mine.

It's funny to me that everyone is thinking "I can't believe 3 out of 4 Xbox 360s are red ringing" when I am thinking "thank god that 1 of the 4 is still working!"

I guess I am a "the glass is half full kind of guy..."

And yes, I am expecting my Elite to fail shortly.

I may have trouble with my Halo 3 special edition. It is inside warranty based on when I bought it but it is way outside warranty based on when it was manufactured. We'll see how cooperative MS support is.

Stormblade's picture

The Pink Menace™ is back! Zombies beware!

Blackwalt's picture

Halo Special Edition console is still under extended warranty so I have started the MS support process to return this console and get a different one with the same flawed design motherboard in it. Apparently no one is smart enough to replace them with the fixed jasper design.

As for the two cores. The local repair guy tried (and failed) to fix both of them. (they worked briefly afterward and then failed again).

In his defense he warned me that the pink one was old and may not take. He also warned me to use my repaired core relatively often which I did find hard to do, so that may be why it failed.

Have given up on the pink one but hope he will take another stab at my Core console.

Blackwalt's picture

Halo Special Edition console is on the UPS truck already, on its way to MS Support.

The two cores are back with the local repair guy who is hopeful for one of them.

One additional recommendation which I was failing at.

    Keep the Xbox 360 horizontal!

Well now that I know this, I think we may have some more longevity.

We shall see...

Stormblade's picture

I don't like trying to keep the disks from falling out while closing the tray.

MauriceRevek's picture

The title of your post, I was positive it was something by Aku...

Akuf's picture

The funny part is I was considering adding to it and to Coxxorz's vertical post below. But I wanted to keep it PG 13.

Coxxorz's picture


Stormblade's picture

I guess I'll just have to move my pink faceplate to my Arcade. It's my zombie killing XBox anyway.

Graybush's picture

you meant to say you're a "glass is a quarter full" kind of guy.

Swag's picture

Or maybe your house has a nuclear power plant under it that is causing radiation damage to your electronics.

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