You are hereThe Twenty Nerd Commandments
The Twenty Nerd Commandments
Only Two matter. Number 7 and number 8
-Graphic from (totally unrelated story)
Topless Robot has provided us with the list of The 20 Nerd Commandments.
- Thou shalt acknowledge that Batman beats everyone, ever, anywhere at fighting. That's right, he beats everybody. Even Optimus Prime. Even Darth Vader. Even Chuck Norris. He'd find a way. He's the goddamn Batman
- Thou shalt be prepared to survive the zombie apocalypse, and teach thy children similarly
I continue to hope that Q-Bert will stop breaking Number 15 but I really don't see that happening.
Via The Movie Blog.
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Blackwalt figured out how to use target="_blank"! Wonders never cease.
Now if we could only teach him to select 'Not a Link' when posting pictures ...
Without going back 6 months.
And good luck.
Also note that as the only one who posts any quantity of stories I am not too worried about missing any tags.
That sounds too much like work. It is much better to suggest blame and sit back while you defend yourself.
Like you've never done that to me!
I can safely say that it is possible to have pictures link to a larger version of the picture.
Just sayin'.
..I don't obey any them so I guess that means I am not nerd. In fact I had to look up a lot of they were talking about.