You are hereThe 2009 Herd of Cats Pintsie awards!

The 2009 Herd of Cats Pintsie awards!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 05 February 2010

Kind of...

So here's the thing. On January 9th (already late) I sent an email to the other three HoC admins:

    I have spoke of this [2009 Pintsie's] but didn't really feel like doing the same mass as last year.

    I was thinking of something more organic and gradual.

    Only five awards but picked by everyone individually.:

  1. Favourite Game of the Year
  2. Favourite Original Content of the Year
  3. Favourite Event of the Year –
  4. Favourite Video Content of the Year:
  5. Favourite Random thing of the year (I threw that in there cause I couldn't pick a fifth thing...)

I also sent a list of previous Awards list and spoke of comparisons to the way Joystiq did their awards.

And then:

Yeah, we all know how this turned out. Serious crickets.

The response was underwhelming in the usual HoC random way. That is, non-existent. Yes, not a single response. Not one.

Now there is 60 pages of content for 2009 (approximately 900 stories) and they are notoriously slow readers so it is possible that they are still working on it. But who are we really kidding...

Note: Coxxorz did submit the above graphic along with a bunch more for the series but he did have to take a week off to complete the task.

In the email I also included:

    And then challenge other HoC to put forward their picks.

    After all contributors are posted we tally up the votes/picks and select the HoC Pintsies

And I included three requests/demands/deadline thingies:

    1. Let's get this moving right away because it's halfway through January already.
    2. you have to write things not just send in picks. WRITE stuff.
    3. start now. Let's try for something Monday? If I could start running something for the 15th (same as last year) that would be great

And yes, I did send out a reminder. 4 days later.


Here's what we are doing now... and yes, I know it's February.

I will post my choice for some of the awards (no guarantee I will get to all of them) with 2 honourable mentions. After I have posted my choice, anyone who cares to can post their choice with 2 honourable mentions in the comments sections and after two days we will total up the choices and post my selection as the overall winner. Or something like that. Entries without the full three options will be discarded otherwise the points will be skewed.

I will post Favourite Game of the Year later today and then I will have 2 days to start reading 900 entrys. (I never said mine were done, did I?)

If the Admins ever submit anything I will post their responses as well. Of course, I may have to delay the 2010 Pintsies to fit them in...

Graybush's picture

Since Blackwalt suggested that I can't abuse him when I haven't even submited choices for awards then here they are: Fave Game #1 Borderlands for obvious reasons... 2nd choice "Modern Spawn/Die: Backout2" (yes the multiplayer is frustrating but the campaign was STELLAR!) and 3rd place Ratchet&Clank: Crack in Time. If you think Borderlands has cool guns then you'll love Ratchet&Clank (and it's one of the few games I don't have to hide from my kids...)

Swag's picture

to have some kind of search function for threads, as going through 500 pages of stuff is a little ridiculous. But since we don't have that I say just randomly make awards/winners based on memory.

My picks (if I can post them here):

Favourite Game of the Year: Well a lot of games sucked this year, and I am not sure if I have to pick a game that was made in 2009 or one that I got in 2009. But if it has to be made last year and since I think I only got two "boxed" games this year, and as my pick won't be Modern Warfare 2, I am going to go with good old: Batman - Arkham Asylum. That'll put a smile on your faces!
-Honerable mention: Battlefield 1943

: Yeah, something few of you get, but since I got a couple downnloadable games I thought it was worth a category. My pick is Battlefield 1943 as I've put over 100 hours and it's still fun! You guys are missing out (except Coxxorz).
-Honerable mention: Shadow Complex

Favourite Original Content of the Year: My special, hard hitting, journalistic report on the Montreal International Game Summit
-Honerable mention: Me winning the photoshop contest (by a huge margin) to win Batman Arkham Asylum!

Favorite Event of the year: Wasn't much going on from what I remember, so I'll go with Coxxorz's MW2 Lan Party.

Favourite Video Content of the Year: Umm, I have no idea. But when in doubt, go for a swag's classic clip, featuring Carl Sagan!

Favourite Random thing of the year: The random phrase right under the Herd of Cats header. I guess.

Most annoying user: Noir (he's technically still here)

Best Game nobody played: Battlefield 1943 (except me and Coxxorz that is)

Best Game that I can never play because some people are always harassing me to play other games: Oblivion. I'm almost done...

Favorite game story of the year: Doom and Fallout together!

Best Game that made you gouge your eyes with hot tongs and eat a plate of broken glass: Well for this one it's obvious, spawn-die, I mean Modern Warfare 2.

Best looking HoC Member: Yeah......nobody? Probably one of the lurkers...

Worst looking Hoc Member: Everyone who posts. Even Aku.

Best Best-of Category: Best game nobody played. You guys missed the boat on BF 1943 for only about 500 points....sad.

Ok, I'd better stop before this really gets out of hand.

Blackwalt's picture

1) 141 pages (total for the entire site) x 15 entries per page

2) very top corner of the web site there is a little box with "Search" written right beside it. I wonder what it does?

Swag's picture

But it sucks. What if you can't remember what you are searching for? There is no way to quickly browse threads.

Blackwalt's picture

A) Each time a story for Award Category is posted comment your picks/choices and then they willed counted toward the final HoC award.

b) After I have posted my choice, anyone who cares to can post their choice with 2 honourable mentions in the comments sections and after two days we will total up the choices and post my selection as the overall winner.

Swag's picture

But since I was already typing up my post I decided to finish it anyway.

Besides, some of my categories aren't in your initial post.

Akuf's picture

Do you want us to pick our own?

Blackwalt's picture

Each time a story for Award Category is posted comment your picks/choices and then they willed counted toward the final HoC award.

I will post Game of the Year this afternoon and see how it goes.

This will make it a Clan Choice over an Admins choice.

Stormblade's picture

Damn, I must of missed the memo.

Stormblade proceeds to run for his life as Blackwalt comes after him with a hatchet and a machete. Of course, he doesn't have to run far because Blackwalt has absolutely no stamina.

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