You are hereJanuary 2010 Top Picks

January 2010 Top Picks

By Blackwalt - Posted on 17 February 2010

Less than five pages of content for January. Below average for us. All our numbers were fairly low: reads, comments and content. Seeing as how we haven't posted anything for three days just now, I expect that February numbers will also be low. And yes I am aware that I am writing the Top Picks more than halfway through February, that would be my point wouldn't it.

Reoccurring topics this month were RROD's and Zombies (big surprise there).

Top Stories by Read count:


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Half-pint's top picks:

Top Numbers from previous months:

    December: 37 comments, 411 reads
    November: 17 comments, 541 reads
    October: 32 comments, 216 reads
    September: 36 comments, 463 reads
    August: 21 comments, 312 reads
    July: 14 comments, 349 reads
Swag's picture


Q-Bert's picture

Why is it that the top posts are usually ones making fun of me ?

(Come to think of it, they more often make fun of Revek, so maybe I shouldn't complain...)

MauriceRevek's picture

Stormblade. There is a high percentage of posts that mock Stormblade as well (I do try to make sure that his percentage is higher than mine, but not as high as q-burp.

Stormblade's picture

essentially mock you, I rarely have to add anything. Trust me, you top this list by a mile.

Q-Bert's picture

If Stormblade was a cat...If Stormblade was a cat...

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