You are hereJanuary 2010 Top Picks
January 2010 Top Picks
Less than five pages of content for January. Below average for us. All our numbers were fairly low: reads, comments and content. Seeing as how we haven't posted anything for three days just now, I expect that February numbers will also be low. And yes I am aware that I am writing the Top Picks more than halfway through February, that would be my point wouldn't it.
Reoccurring topics this month were RROD's and Zombies (big surprise there).
Top Stories by Read count:
- 213 reads – How many HoC members does it take to light a propane Fondue pot?
- 194 reads – Future Fail : Part 3 - VICTORY!
- 158 reads – Must see...
All three winners were very early in the month and all within 10 posts of each other. Nodes 4077, 4087 and 4088. I am glad the winner (Fondue) posted by Blackwalt was an HoC original and not some stupid video about a snake (third place btw). Swag filled in second spot with his ongoing story of buying Modern Warfare 2 at Future Shop.
Top Stories by Comments:
- 20 comments – How many HoC members does it take to light a propane Fondue pot?
- 15 comments – Serious Sam HD: Now available on Xbox Live
- 11 comments – So, you've been bitten by a Zombie
So the fondue story took both top spots. It may not have been as bad as I wrote it out to be but it was pretty close. XBLA's most longest awaited title (by Coxxorz) takes second and third is filled out by the Zombie Bite calculator. I'll last longer than Stormblade which is all that really matters.
Half-pint's top picks:
- First Edition Cover of The Pink Menace™ leaked online
- I mean, seriously, it's the Pink Menace™, think about it. I almost didn't pick any more entries.
- Classic moments in HoC video gaming
- The worst part of this story is that there was nothing to embellish. It happened exactly as written and nothing, nothing could possibly have been added to make it any worse...
- Two Parter!: Zombie Killers, Qu'est-ce que c'est? and Allons-y, Zombie Killers!
- Not intended to be written as a two part series, but that's how it turned out. Where is Stormblade anyway? Graybush and I are itching to kill some Nazi Zombies.
Top Numbers from previous months:
December: 37 comments, 411 reads
November: 17 comments, 541 reads
October: 32 comments, 216 reads
September: 36 comments, 463 reads
August: 21 comments, 312 reads
July: 14 comments, 349 reads
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- 383 reads
Why is it that the top posts are usually ones making fun of me ?
(Come to think of it, they more often make fun of Revek, so maybe I shouldn't complain...)
Stormblade. There is a high percentage of posts that mock Stormblade as well (I do try to make sure that his percentage is higher than mine, but not as high as q-burp.
essentially mock you, I rarely have to add anything. Trust me, you top this list by a mile.