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HoC Week 2: Modern Wifeless
So I once again find myself alone for a week, but it almost didn't happen.
A few weeks ago, Mrs. Coxxorz decided to go to British Columbia to visit her sister, and see some kind of sporting event while there. But when the big day finally came, I discovered that her flight was scheduled to leave at 7 in the frickin' a.m. Luckily, the airport now requires you to be there 2 hours before your flight leaves (thanks, terrorists!), so all I had to do was forego a little Borderlands with Dark Nightowl in order to get her there on time.
Check-in was no problem, because you can do it online now (yay technology!), but it actually saves you exactly zero time, because you still have to line up to check your luggage. And then again to get Air Canada to fix a screwup on your ticket. And then again to ride Space Mountain - or maybe it was the line for security, hard to tell. The ticket screwup was technically my fault, because on the way out the door I noticed her return flight was scheduled for March 21, very nearly making it HoC Month. Me and my big mouth.
In the midst of all this, Mrs. Coxxorz realizes she hadn't exchanged any cash for the trip. I had to convince her it was okay, that VANOC had made arrangements to accept Canadian money at par. Relieved, I bid her farewell, and watched as she sprinted to the security check area, and convinced them to let her bypass the serpentine lineup due to some fictional disability. That's my girl.
It's a good thing she got there early, because after all the delays and barely making the gate in time to board, the plane immediately proceeded taxied out and... proceeded to sit in various places on the runway for the next half hour. While her plane was being de-iced, checked for suicide bombers strapped to the hull, re-iced, etc., I found myself identifying sight lines from the observation area, and imagining optimal sniper positions and turret placements around the terminal.
So if HoC ever makes a 3D shooter game, we definitely need to use the Ottawa Airport as one of the levels. Just make sure you start downloading it 3 hours prior to playing.
Today's Game: Battlefield 1943, Borderlands
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You could have made it HoC Year by changing the return date to 2011.
And I'd better get some Battlefield in tonight or I will never play Xbox again.
Or we can just play demos (AVP and BFBC2) all night instead.