You are here 2009 Pintsie Game of the Year Award
2009 Pintsie Game of the Year Award
What did Swag think about our Game of the Year? Read his quote:
- Actually...
Submitted by Swag on September 6, 2009 - 8:38pm.
I had forgotten about this one. I think I might be getting it now that you mention it, especially if you guys are actually going to play it for more than a month.
I like the new cell-shaded art style.
"especially if you guys are actually going to play it for more than a month." Well... I think we managed. Borderlands released in November and many of us are still playing it now. Graybush and I with Coxxorz as much as possible are working our way through our second play through, 4 months later. There have been two DLCs and most of us bought both of them. A third is due this week and we are already lining up to purchase it.
Borderlands was truly a HoC clan game in a way unseen since Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and in a way eclipses COD4. Not necessarily as a better game but as a cooperative game. Four clan members playing through the campaign together.
Guns, role playing, stats, quests, characters, humour, fricking giant monsters, zombies, original cel-shaded artwork and 4 player drop in/drop out co-op! Was their anything Borderlands didn't have? Well... yes... Swag. Despite his ironically timed above quote Swag never purchased Borderlands and kept putting off buying it as we were going to stop playing it as soon as he bought it. How did that logic work out?
So kudos to Borderlands for earning our Herd of Cats 2009 Game of the Year Pintsie.
An award well earned.
Final Rankings:
- Borderlands – 4 first place votes and 1 second place vote
- Batman Arkham Asylum – 3 second place votes and 1 third place vote
- Battlefield 1943 (tie) – 1 first place vote and 1 second place vote
- Assassin's Creed II (tie) – 1 first place vote and 1 second place vote
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I should have give my first place vote to AC2, since Borderlands didn't need it anyway. That way it wouldn't have had to share 3rd with a game that isn't worthy of being used to wipe crap off of Enzio's boots.
Rub it in.
I originally wanted to just buy either Borderlands or MW2, and I made the wrong choice (I wasn't putting it off). I should have went with my gut, as I of course prefer original IP and art style. Well at least there should be Borderlands 2 to look foward to.
And I did make the right choice in Battlefield 1943, as me and Coxxorz are still playing that one over 7 months later. In fact we now have to resort to making out own list of achivements as the regular ones are just too easy.