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Blackwalt. Deserter

By Blackwalt - Posted on 24 March 2010

It was past my bedtime!

So last night at 10:30 we started a round of Der Riese in Call of Duty World at War. No big deal. Until my eyes started to glaze over at 11:30. I reminded everyone that I had come home sick and collapsed into bed for three hours and I still wasn't up to snuff.

I got catcalls, sarcasm and other abuse in response. My friends. You just wait.

Why was I playing Xbox Live when I was sick? Hello! What else was I supposed to do? I had a bucket.

But still.

We played one round of Nacht der Untoten first, ending at 10:30, and then moved on to Der Riese. It may even have been my suggestion. After the first 60 minutes though I may have been regretting it.

I needed to go to bed and soon. Time to go AWOL.

Except for the abuse and sarcasm which kept me online and playing one more round. Several more rounds in fact.

"We're doing so well," "just one more round," "you wuss," and many other endearments kept me in well past my expiration date.

And that was the thing. We were doing well. We all had over $15,000 available for weapons and upgrading, we had all the perk-a-colas, we all had bouncing bettys, we all had the super knifes, two of us had monkeys. Stormblade had two upgraded light machine guns until he traded one for an upgraded Ray Gun (Porter’s X2 Ray Gun). Graybush had an upgraded Ray Gun and a changing backup that he switched each level (he was hitting the tickle trunk so hard he had at least five teddy bears). I had an upgraded Trench Gun (Gut Shot) and an upgraded Browning Light Machine Gun (B115 accelerator).

We were armed, we were dangerous, and we were Zombie killers...

We had staked out the Catwalk of Hope and Love and made it ours.

But still, I called it quits at Level 25. I left my teammates behind to die and didn't look back. I wonder if they survived Level 25?

I know we discovered in Level 24 that an upgraded MP40 (The Afterburner) and an upgraded Bar (The Widow Maker) only have enough ammo for half a level. The second half of Level 24 got exciting.

I wanted to continue, I wanted to see if we could get to that elusive level 28.

But 12:05 was my limit. I shut down and crawled into bed.

To dream of Zombies and dead teammates.

Blissful sweet dreams...

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