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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

By Blackwalt - Posted on 26 March 2010

By the guys that did Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz


"Oh that's not that bad."

Swag's picture

A movie about me...

Akuf's picture

Wouldn't that imply that you actually get the girl?

Just saying

Swag's picture

or doesn't.

Q-Bert's picture


Q-Bert's picture

But it seemed kinda short, and didn't really have an end. It had nice action and short credits. I'm surprised they put the whole thing on Youtube.

Swag's picture

Ah, The Critic, I don't know why you were cancelled.

"That wasn't a clip, that was the entire movie."

Blackwalt's picture

Are you trying to point out:

  • that everything about the movie is in the trailer
  • or, that you can't see the word "trailer" right there in the preview pane?

Didn't see the point of have the word "trailer" in there twice but I do sometimes overestimate who I am dealing with.

Q-Bert's picture

I don't see the word "trailer" anywhere in the post or on the Youtube title. But no, I was complaining that the trailer contained pretty much the whole movie.

Coxxorz's picture

Stormblade's picture

I almost spit beer all over my computer!

MauriceRevek's picture

MauriceRevek's picture
Trailer?  I don't see no stinking trailer?Trailer? I don't see no stinking trailer?
Swag's picture


Blackwalt's picture

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