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Train Ride - Happy Endings

By MauriceRevek - Posted on 09 April 2010

As all who read this site know, last month I received a $150.00 ticket for riding the OC transpo train without proper proof of purchase. While recounting this story to some colleagues at work, one of them told me I should go to city hall and have the amount reduced. I said to myself "What do I have to loose?", and decided to give it a try.

Last week, I went to the information counter at city hall, and was directed to the counter where OC transpo fines were paid. I walk up to the counter and tell the lady there that I would like to see if the fine could be reduced. She said yes, but I have to do it at the offices at Constellation dr.

Ok. Another delay.

Go there the following Thursday, stand in line, play some sudoku on my iPhone while waiting for my turn at the counter.

Next please.

That's me!

"Hello, I would like to pay my fine, but I would like to have the amount reduced."

"No problem sir, what you have to do is plead guilty with an explanation before a judge, and he will determine what the amount of hte fine should be."

"Ok, is there one available?"

"I'm sorry sir, they have all finished hearing these types of cases for the day, you will have to come back tomorrow."

"Ok, thank you."

Another delay. But that is ok, things actually look promissing that I will not have to pay the full $150.

Return the next day, same routine.

"Yes sir, if you will just take a seat tat the end of the hall, a judge will be with you in just a moment."

"Thank you."

So, how many holes do they have in their ceiling tiles? One... two... three...

"Mr. MauriceRevek?"

"Yes sir, that's me."

"So I understand that you wish to plead guilty with an explanation?"

"Yes sir, I do."

"Ok, so what is your explanation?"

I proceed to recount my story about how I went to the corner store to purchase a sheet of tickets, got on the train, got accosted by the bylaw enforcement troups and was givin the $150 tickets. I explained to him what the officer explained to me I had to do.

"I would had to gone to a bus first, put my tickets in their collector bin, and requested a transfer, then go back to the train."


"Yes sir."

*scrible* *scrible* *scrible*

"Mr. MauriceRevek, I have given you a suspended sentance, which means that yes, you have plead guilty, but there is no fine to pay. Have a nice day."

"Yipee! Thank you very much!"

Yay! No fine to pay!

Now. I am sure there are some reading this who now see a big hole in the system, and think they can ride the train for free, and should they get a ticket, they can just go to the judge, give a sob story and have no fine to pay. Remember that I have plead guilty, and that is now on file. This is the equivalent of a get out of jail free card that can be used only once. If I should get a fine again, I would not be able to get out of paying the fine, as now I know what the proper procedure is. I can no longer say I did not know.

But at least it is nice to know, that common sense can sometimes prevail.

Swag's picture

I told you it would be worth fighting, as you should at least have gotten a warning. That's basically what happened to me.

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