You are hereMarch 2010 Top Picks
March 2010 Top Picks
Back up to a reasonable amount of content this month with 5 whole pages. The number of comments seems to be down. You're just not as chatty as I am used to.
Topics of the month seem to be Q-Bert being a moron (between trailers and Xbox Live invites), the $129 Xbox Arcade and Call of Duty Zombie mode still. Oh, and I finished off the 2009 Pintsie Awards.
Top Stories by Read count:
- 165 reads – Tomorrow is the Big day
- 121 reads – Finally, Perfect Dark for XLBA is out!
- 117 reads – Train Ride
Three different contributors won this month. Good to see that kind of variety. Aku places in the top three for a second month in a row with his appearance at Yuk Yuk's, Swag trying to convince us that Perfect Dark Zero was an aberration and Moricerevek's obvious confusion over what is a bus and what is a train – they are quite similar I guess.
Top Stories by Comments:
- 19 comments – Tomorrow is the Big day
- 14 comments – Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
- 10 comments – Train ride
- 10 comments – Finally, Perfect Dark for XLBA is out!
Same three stories as in the Reads (two way tie for third) with the addition of Scott Pilgrim vs. the world. Q-Bert helped us extend the life of that last story.
Half-pint's top picks:
- Catwalk of Hope and Love: Strangely deserted
- What was most interesting about this story was the five comments I got about it in person - only one comment was post on the site of course – unrelated.
- 2009 Pintsie Apathy of the Year Award
- I lost for posting the story, you all lost for commenting on it.
- Creating the Pink Menace™ comic book cover
- This was an interesting take on my creative process and no one read it.
- I'm never washing it. Ever.
- The headline was a joke and an impossibility that everyone missed. Situation normal.
Top Numbers from previous months:
February: 23 comments, 212 reads
January: 20 comments, 213 reads
December: 37 comments, 411 reads
November: 17 comments, 541 reads
October: 32 comments, 216 reads
September: 36 comments, 463 reads
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- 571 reads
had nothing to do with Perfect Dark Zero. That game was mediocre at best, and although it was made by the same developer as Perfect Dark (Rare), the core team of that game had long gone elsewhere.
Do I need to define it?
The full quote was:
"Swag trying to convince us that Perfect Dark Zero was an aberration"
Although by being a Perfect Dark game it does, by default, wrongly or rightly, have something to do with Perfect Dark Zero, also a Perfect Dark game and, as you yourself pointed out, it was made by the same developers – connected whether they want it to be or not.
We both made the same point of Perfect Dark Zero not being a good game.
I just don't see how my thread implied that I considered Perfect Dark Zero to be an aberration of Perfect Dark. I made no mention of Perfect Dark Zero in that thread. I do agree with you, however.
...plane flies over Swag's head...
Nope, I lost it.