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Zombie Game of the Week

By MauriceRevek - Posted on 17 April 2010


While perusing the local video game store yesterday, something caught my eye. Bikini Samurai Squad.


Upon closer inspection, I could see that it was a game very similar to DOA Volleyball. Lots of girls in bikini's jumping around. How droll. I picked up the jacket to read the synopsis on the back, and something caught my eye.



Yes, you read that right. Zombies. You play one of the members of the Bikini Samurai Squad, whos mission is to kill hordes and hordes of zombies. Now my intention was to play the game for the weekend and provide a proper review, but Blackwalt forced my hand, and I I have to put something up prematurely to avoid the ridicule that is sure to follow.

This is very much a Japanese arcade style gore fest. You hack and slash at the zombies, body parts fly in every direction, and the screen very quickly turns red. Blood red. Lots of blood. Did I mention blood? There is an option to turn the blood pink (for Stormblade) and white (for the faint of heart (i.e. Q-Bert)).

And of course... Bikinis... There is just something about a game where you play a female samurai that romps around in a G-String and lace bra, slashing the limbs off of the undead that is just... well... funny.

And what do you get as you progress in the game as a reward for your zombie killing? Clothing options. I have only had the chance to unlock a baseball cap and a teddy, so I do not know yet what other options there are, but I figure there must be fishnet stockings and garter belt. Again, had to post my commentary earlier that planned. Did I say thanks Blackwalt yet?

For the sheer novelty of playing as a bikini clad samurai warrior killing zombies, I give the game 2 1/5 paws. I do not have the time to dig throught he gallery for the graphic so I will let the editor [Blackwat the spoiler] handle it for me.

Blackwalt's picture

And if you had mentioned to the editor what you had in the plans you would have been spared the abuse.

Not that it is required but in this case...

Coxxorz's picture


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