You are hereExclusive Red Dead Redemption content for PS3 owners

Exclusive Red Dead Redemption content for PS3 owners

By Coxxorz - Posted on 16 May 2010

Playstation owners to receive early gaming advantage with a... um... top hat?

Some alert gamers who have already received their copies of Rockstar's upcoming disappointment are reporting that the PS3 version advertises two pieces of exclusive content for that console:

- Solomon's Folly Gang Hideout
- Walton Gang Outfit

So if you've been having trouble deciding which console to buy this game for, your dilemma is over. Especially if you like to dress nice and stay out of harm's way.

The curious thing is that this content has not been publicly announced by Sony or Rockstar Games. With less than 2 days to go (see countdown clock) the RDR marketing machine is at full throttle, and store-specific exclusives are being thrown around to lure consumer dollars this way and that. So why keep a platform-specific exclusive quiet? It's too late to affect pre-order sales in their favour. Did Sony cut some kind of back room deal to skew post-launch sales for people who own both consoles? Or is Rockstar dabbling in viral marketing?

From gameinformer

MauriceRevek's picture

Think of it. When you see a guy in a top hat, the first thing you think of, is: I'm gonna shoot that hat off his head. Thereby announcing your presence and opening yourself up to a counter shot through the heart.

There. You see? Big advantage for ps3 owners. Plus think of all the brock... Brokeback mountain desperados that will see you in the hat. They would never shoot at you.... Well at least not bullets.

[start aku script]

[aku script overload]

[premature termination]

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