You are hereWith Coxxorz, it's a love/hate relationship
With Coxxorz, it's a love/hate relationship
Right now there is 5,195 reasons leaning toward hate
Five thousand one hundred and ninety five. Yes, I do have it down to an exact number.
And here's why.
On May third at 4:26 AM Coxxorz sent me an email, subject "Price error?", about a Lego site price error and it was a price error – a very major one at that. Instead of applying a 25% discount, Lego priced certain items at 25% of cost. A significant savings for higher priced items.
At 4:30 AM. So you know I got right on that... at 9:30 the next morning, well after everything had been corrected and, you know, SOLD OUT! Thanks for the perfect timing.
Coxxorz, however, bought two of everything. Including an item that he knew I would kill for. When he told me that Lego had shipped two of them for him, I almost did (kill someone that is). Right there and then. No jury in the world (of Lego fans) would have convicted me.
He then stated five simple words that, unknowingly to him, kept him among the living:
- "One of them's for you."
Whoops. Let's tuck that blunt instrument away. "What's behind my back? Nothing. Nothing... tell me more."
"One of them's for you." It seemed like an auspicious start.
And then he entertained me with stories of individuals whose order were cancelled for no reason. How he had actually purchased a third one separately and that Lego had cancelled it. He held out hope and then snatched it away. This was fun for him.
Then on Friday I got another email message from him. From his work email.
- Subject: Nothing here
Body: Not even two of something.
Which, if you know him, was surprisingly clear.
I broke the sound barrier getting to his cubicle and entertained his coworkers by throwing cash at him. Cash that I had in my wallet since he had originally mentioned the initial Lego possibility.
I added random items to the photo for scale: This box is huge
I paid Coxxorz somewhere between $100 and $300 for this large cardboard box. I will now open it and show you what is in it.
What the!?!? Another cardboard box! Coxxorz ripped me off! Where did I leave that blunt instrument?
Fortunately I realized that Lego packs things in layers before I found Coxxorz latest hiding spot. He learned to rotate his hiding spots early in our friendship. For whatever reason.
Now, for real. Thanks for enjoying the suspense. If you are still reading that is...
Lego Star Wars Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon™
Set # 10179 • Year of Release: 2007
Pieces: 5195 • MiniFigs: 5
MSRP: $649.00 CDN
Did you catch that $649 Canadian? This may explain why I never bought it. Even my Lego Ultimate Collector's Death Star (the first edition) was only $399. And it was a 40th birthday present.
Did I mention the 300 page manual?
Or that the 5,195 pieces weren't sorted modularly. Usually in the bigger sets the bags of parts are numbered – as in do these in this order. These bags of parts are just bags of parts, mixed in with other bags of parts. Many other bags of parts. I am sure there is some kind of pattern but nothing obvious so far.
So... 5,195 reasons leaning toward hate.
Progress after Day 1. Step 18 by the way. Page 16.
Progress after Day 2. Step 28. Page 26
Progress after Day 3. Step 36. Page 38
You may see continous updates on the world's longest Lego build in history over the next few days weeks months... oh god, please let it be only months.
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- 449 reads
I guess he can enjoy it too though.
Not to mention the goal of keeping all 5000+ pieces in the same room.
And how could you think it was for Rolly if you didn't know it existed until now?
And no, I didn't make it, so I can't stop the sounds. Turn your goddamn volume down!