You are hereGood luck while I'm gone

Good luck while I'm gone

By Blackwalt - Posted on 25 May 2010

It was either this or Ratzorz again

Once again it is time for my annual cottage pilgrimage forcing me to leave control of in the hands of others.

And since you are you and Ratzorz is Ratzorz it has come to this.

Good luck Swag, you're in charge now.

No really, it's not a typo. Nice knowing you.

Akuf's picture

...The gay deal WTF is a Ikki Tousen?

Swag's picture

And I have no idea what it is either. But it's quite obscure.

Akuf's picture

You should have made me in charge...

Swag's picture


Personal Game Reviewer's picture

I assume you made arrangements to have the cleaning guy drop off a large combo with Olives at least twice daily? A six pack of beer wouldn't hurt either... I get awfully hungry inside this closet...


Did you leave already?!! Drat. Back to eating rocks, I hate rocks....

MauriceRevek's picture

No fair!

Stormblade's picture

It was nice (or not) knowing all of you.

MauriceRevek's picture

Coxxorz in short shorts.

Where is q-bert? Maybe you could put his head in place of the soccer ball.

Coxxorz's picture

And why are you looking at my area, anyway?

MauriceRevek's picture

Then looked up and saw your head. I'm still shaking from the revulsion.

Swag's picture


I have so many ideas to implement! Do I really get admin status (Edit: Nevermind, I see it)?

Won't be around much today, but tomorrow is a different story! It's time to get swagged.

Coxxorz's picture

Now the site is going to get flooded with content about games that nobody cares about. Wait a minnit...

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