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Paging Dr. Coxxorz! Paging Dr. Coxxorz!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 11 June 2010

If nothing else, he is random

So yesterday I abused Coxxorz for his help in Call of Duty Zombie Mode and as some pointed out in the comments, I wasn't telling the whole story.

It's almost like I had a followup story planned.

So, on a totally separate note, after our Level 8 Travesty we chose to play one more round of Dir Riese.

Level 9: HoC triumphant!Level 9: HoC triumphant!

You wouldn't think getting to level 9 would be such an achievement but you should have heard us celebrating.

Level 15: Set up on the Catwalk. Stormblade is making a new friend!Level 15: Set up on the Catwalk. Stormblade is making a new friend!

Just after a round of Hell Hounds we discovered that Stormblade had stuffed one of the Hound corpses to keep on his mantle. Strangely, Stormblade as the server was the only one that could not see the corpse. This kept the other three of us entertained but kept Stormblade busy as he was the only one that could see, and shoot, past the non-existent Hell Hound. It blocked our view and stopped our bullets.

Level 16: Coxxorz keeps trying to lend me a hand. I don't get it.Level 16: Coxxorz keeps trying to lend me a hand. I don't get it.

Coxxorz is morbid. Just in case you didn't know. He spent a lot of time taking photos of Zombie parts for entertainment value.

Level 18: bored and wandering through the main courtyardLevel 18: bored and wandering through the main courtyard

Nothing to say here.

Level 22: Lost floor crawling Zombie – I sure he was just here.Level 22: Lost floor crawling Zombie – I sure he was just here.

Somewhere around here while Stormblade and Graybush were off screwing around somewhere and I was patiently setup on the catwalk (where I was supposed to be) I looked over to see Coxxorz jumping up and down inside the teleporter.

So I snuck down and walked in behind him where he didn't see me. Next time he jumped I hit X and activated the teleporter on him. Our screens filled with blue and white electricity and we traveled through a wormhole to the main courtyard. With Coxxorz having no idea what had just happened.

His reaction was undeniable hilarious. Graybush and Stormblade were totally lost by his vocal reaction and were asking what had happened. I was too busy laughing to respond.

It certainly wasn't what Coxxorz had expected while he was looking for something shiney. Classic HoC humour and another fond gaming memory.

Level 24: No idea where I am. I think I was looking for the Tickle TrunkLevel 24: No idea where I am. I think I was looking for the Tickle Trunk

Here Tickle Trunk! Where are you?

Level 25: Stormblade gets a Teddy Bear for the seventh time. Bye Bye.Level 25: Stormblade gets a Teddy Bear for the seventh time. Bye Bye.

Usually it is Graybush that carries the Teddy Bear curse but this night for some reason it had passed to Stormblade. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear...

Kept us running all over the map looking for the damn Tickle Trunk.

Level 25: Next level starting, set up and ready to light up some ZombiesLevel 25: Next level starting, set up and ready to light up some Zombies

Back in May 2009 we had discoverd a new strategy involving the flamethrower. Early on in this round I had obtained and upgraded the flamethrower to the FIW Nitrogen cooled version which reducing its cool-down and increases the length of time it can fire without overheating. Then I set up hanging over the catwalk and torched the Zombie as they came in. This meant that most of the Zombies trying to get at us through Stormblade and Coxxorz had already had their health reduced before they were targeted by our gun toting team members.

Stormblade kept bitching about the reduced visiblity but Coxxorz was much happier with the easier to kill zombie.

I was happier with the no ammo required and the insta-kills! Every time we had an insta-kill I ran to the front flamed everything near the stairs trusting the rest of my time to cover my back. Sometimes they did.

Level 29: Not bad at all. I think we have our mojo backLevel 29: Not bad at all. I think we have our mojo back

Level 29. A far sight better than level 8. I am even willing to share the credit with Coxxorz. Not all of it, but some of it.




I guess.

Stormblade's picture

if you told anyone beforehand that you were doing a two-part story, some of us might not have commented about the parts you left out.


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