You are hereMassive earthquake rocks Ottawa area

Massive earthquake rocks Ottawa area

By Coxxorz - Posted on 23 June 2010

Gamers were shaken off their couches this afternoon, as a substantial magnitude 5.7 quake shook central Ontario for about 20 seconds. The epicenter is believed to be in the Vanier area, possibly caused by the explosion of a Meth lab.

One local resident was visibly shaken by the experience: "I was just laying in bed, trying to rest up for some quality Raping in tonight's session of Battlefield 1943," said the the young man, who could only be identified as "Swag".

"At first I thought it was just an earthquake, but then I could hear the whores running around outside, screaming. This was followed by the shouting of pimps, yelling at them to get back inside and finish their 'jobs'. Finally, the druggies came stumbling out of the crack house, that's when I knew it was serious."

Police and city workers spent hours cleaning up the debris from the blast, which included drug lab paraphernalia, broken glass, syringes and various body parts. It is not known how much of it was already scattered around the neighbourhood before the incident.

No, really.

Stavr0's picture

* checks calendar*

Hm, must be Quebec trying to separate.

MauriceRevek's picture

*screan cleaner*

Swag's picture

Funny story. Marlon Brando said in his autobiography that the best orgasm that he ever had was when he was doing it in the middle of an earthquake, while it was shaking his bed.

Too bad I was alone in my bed.

Actually what happend was my roomate slamed the door just before the quake and I thought that the house was collapsing, or that Stormblade was trying to climb my place.

Coxxorz's picture

Vanier is not known for its superior building code.

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