You are hereI had it in my hands!

I had it in my hands!

By Blackwalt - Posted on 30 June 2010

Stupid Personal Game Reviewer

My Personal Game Reviewer got Crackdown 2: I didn't even get a stupid T-shirtMy Personal Game Reviewer got Crackdown 2: I didn't even get a stupid T-shirt

Immediately after shooting this photo two scrawny white hands shot out of the Personal Game Reviewer's closet and stole it away.

No matter how much I kicked and banged on the closet door he wouldn't open up!

Hope he enjoys single player because I unplugged his Live connection. Hah! That'll show him.

Meanwhile, I'm going back to weeping like a little girl because I have to wait until Tuesday for my copy...

Personal Game Reviewer's picture

The T-shirt will keep me warm and I don't like people anyway. Plus, if I somehow decide to play with others there is a perpetual, and kick-ass, Street Fighter 2 tournament going down at the Chuck-E-Cheese.

In short, I'm good for a bit... enjoy the wait.

Coxxorz's picture

If you open up, we'll let you have your own avatar!

Personal Game Reviewer's picture

I'm good with the big red "X" thanks!

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