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So, we're out of cream

By Blackwalt - Posted on 17 August 2010

You wouldn't think it was a crisis...

So yesterday morning I woke up and didn't bother to make our usual pot of morning coffee. Why? Because we had run out of cream the day before and I was supposed to go shopping that morning and buy some more. No cream, no coffee.

Ten minutes before Guba left for work I hear her voice from the kitchen. "Didn't you make coffee this morning?"

And I answered, "I didn't bother, we're out of cream." Hah! Argue with that logic.

"I drink my coffee BLACK!"


So I survived to drop off Rolly at camp and go grocery shopping. Where I bought cream and had all sorts of car trouble. I know it needed tuned but this morning it was very rough and stalled – badly.

So instead of a quick trip to Carlingwood Mall for EBgames and a Tim Horton's coffee. I ended up with a quick trip to the mechanics – kind of. The car only made it half way before it stalled for good.

Fortunately half way to my mechanics is three houses away so my mechanic walked the rest of the way and started it long enough to get it to the shop. Great mechanic by the way. Read more about him here (half way down in the middle of the list).

So I never made it to Timmies for my morning coffee.

During a phone call to Guba to talk about the car and possible costs I remembered that I had managed to go grocery shopping after all and that I now had cream.

"Hey, I can make coffee now!"

Abrupt click followed by dial tone?

"Guba? Honey? Dear? Hello?"

Coxxorz's picture

Just be glad it was only your car that choked.

Blackwalt's picture

Guba made the coffee this morning.

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