You are hereJust the "three" of us...

Just the "three" of us...

By Blackwalt - Posted on 27 August 2010

Updated with stuff I forgot

The Zombies never knew what hit them

Image my, and Graybush's, surprise to discover that there was another Zombie Killer online last night. And worse, it was one we knew!


The night before just Stormblade and I tried out the two player approach and discovered that Graybush was the trick to surviving into the deeper rounds. Given my history of non-headshots and Stormblade's history of... well... history it was really no surprise...

However, the three of us?

Level 31. In one try. No practice rounds.

Surprisingly, Level 31 was our previous high.

And here is an extra bonus picture for you.

Gah!: Nice doggieGah!: Nice doggie

It was a strange night:

  • I was a Zombie Boy Toy. I went down 13 times total which meant 12 times during the entire game.
  • Stormblade revived me 10 times to Graybush's 2 times
  • Teddy bear, teddy bear. Final tally was Graybush 8, Stormblade 5, Blackwalt 2. However, I barely tickle trunked at all whereas it was all Graybush did most of the game
  • Note the number of times I was down? I purchased speed cola 9 times which is a new record. That's $27,000 that I could have used for tickle trunking
  • Juggernog was further away (and cheaper) so I only spent $15,000 on it
  • I got a Wunderwaffe very early so I had the same weapons from Level 8 through to Level 31. Graybush... did not

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