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Borderlands 2 Review-a-Palooza

By Blackwalt - Posted on 07 September 2012

We did it before! We'll do it again!

When Borderlands launches we gathered all the reviews in the same location. To simplify things again, we'll do the same for Borderlands 2.

Yes, I stole the graphic. From myself! It just seemed easier...

Despite the launch date still over a week away, the reviews have already started to appear:

    INCgamers.com10/10Game of the year so far. I’m just going to say it. No game this year has sucked me in and refused to let go the way Borderlands 2 has.

    The Average GamerGreatBorderlands 2 is a video game bursting with character as much as it is violent and fun. It takes a little while to get going, but there is a wealth of items and weapons to collect, areas to explore and tons of missions to complete. Hours will pass in what seems the blink of an eye.

    Just Push Start9.3/10The original formula is still present, but a number of improvements and additions make it far more enjoyable.

    KotakuyesBorderlands 2 is a charming, funny, hell of a cooperative game with lots of style and personality that you can spend hours with.

    FanBolt9.5/10Better Characters, Better Guns, Better Story - Better Borderlands!

    GamesTM8/10If we spent one hour cursing the cheapness of certain enemy types, we spent another 99 rapt in the joys of daft guns, humour, characters, locations, loot, exploration and experimentation. Pandora is just a great place to be.

    Shack NewsGearbox has made a game that is in every way superior to the original, but has some trouble escaping its core weaknesses.

    GameSpy4.5/5The band doesn't just continue playing that groove in Borderlands 2, it embraces its inner Nigel Tufnel and cranks the volume up to 11.

    GamerFuzion4.6/5I love it when a game is challenging and makes you work, Borderlands 2 make you do that and much more as you play through the different levels and quests in the game game.

    IGN video review9/10If you loved the first, or have ever wanted to check out this loot-heavy shooter franchise, then now is definitely the time.

    GameinformerThe issue is out, and so is our Borderlands 2 review. Hint: It's higher than a 9.5 and lower than a 10.

    British gaming magazine Gamesmaster (via Fancensus)95%“Bigger. Ballsier. Bullet-ier. Borderlands 2 is the antidote to stuffy military shooters.” summarises the review.

Stayed tuned for more to come...

Via that interweb thingie that Q-Bert keeps talking about.

Blackwalt's picture

I have to do something as my copy hasn't even shipped yet and listed a delivery date of the 25th!

THE 25TH!!!!

Good thing I have something to keep me busy all weekend.

Blackwalt's picture
Blackwalt's picture

To this page.

Coxxorz's picture

Also, funny how only GOOD reviews come out early.

Swag's picture

It's called, 'the publisher sent me a early copy and I have to give it a good review so they won't get mad at me and send me more games'.

I believe early good reviews of games like I believe good reviews of a Michael Bay movie.

Blackwalt's picture

...bad games don't give out early copies and place a embargo on reviews before the release date. There was a high profile title that had this happen recently but I can't remember which game.

I am bothered more by publishers that refuse to give out early copies to sites or magazines that have previously given them bad reviews.

Although there are all sorts of issues between publishers, PR companies and reviewers. If only we knew a reviewer that could give his feedback on this issue.

Swag's picture

Personally, I like reviews that are harsh. Feels more honest.

Anyone who gives a 10/10 (or something close) is a review I don't trust. There are some (albeit rare) exceptions of course.

For example, ign gave GTA 4 10/10, and all perfect 10s in all categories. Anyone agree with that? Stormy?

A Troll's picture

You can't believe a thing that comes out of their mouths, especially in the US.

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