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The Sarcasm Department

By Coxxorz - Posted on 01 September 2010

Welcome to the Sarcasm Department!

Your posts may be monitored for sarcasm and quality control, however sarcastic/ironic replies here will be deemed FREEBIES, and cannot invoke suspension.

Non-sarcastic replies will, however, result in a permanent ban.

Gentlemen, start your flamethrowers.

Swag's picture

Oh no, I am so scared.

Coxxorz's picture

That was clever.

Q-Bert's picture

... *you* would ever know "clever".

MauriceRevek's picture

You are evaluating someone's level of cleverness? Well let's see.... Webster defines Clever as:

clev·er adj \ˈkle-vər\
Definition of CLEVER
1 a : skillful or adroit in using the hands or body : nimble [clever fingers]

Yeah! Right!

b : mentally quick and resourceful [a clever young lawyer]

Yup. He certainly can come up with an excuse for loosing very quick. Lots of mental agility there.

2: marked by wit or ingenuity

Ah yes. Wit. A no-watt wit. And no, that was not a revek or a typo. I'll let you ponder it. Can even add it to the Lexicon of death.

3 dialect
a : good
b : easy to use or handle

Oh give me a bre... Wait a minute. Easy to use or handle.... Let's see.... Maried for over 10 years.... 2 daughters..... Yup, you are easy to use or handle.

Well. I guess that makes you a very clever person. I guess you can comment on other peoples cleverishness.

— clev·er·ish\-v(ə-)rish\ adjective
— clev·er·ly\-vər-lē\ adverb
— clev·er·ness\-vər-nəs\ noun

Coxxorz's picture

That makes perfect sense to me.

Swag's picture

we really needed a long post like that.

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