You are hereBBQ at Revek's
BBQ at Revek's
Aku came over to my place tonight for a BBQ steak. This was the conversation:
Aku: blah blah blah
Revek: Yada yada yada
(some time passes)
Aku: Oh! Creative thought! Gimme a pen and paper.
Revek: aaaahhhh. ok, here.
Aku: *scrible* *scrible* *scrible*
Aku: How do you spell inanimate?
Revek: *blink* *blink*
Aku: What?
Revek: YOU are asking ME, Revek, how to spell?
Aku: LOL. Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll look it up on my phone dictionary.
Revek: Wait, before you do, this is how you spell it: I N A N I M A T E. Now check your dictionary and tell me I am right!
Aku: *poke* *poke* *poke* *wait* *wait* *wait*
Aku: Ha! You're right!
Revek: Yes! Woohoo!
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Revek invites Aku over, alone, and Aku gets inspired to write erotic poetry about a hard, long, inanimate object? Wow.
Swag actually posted something that is worth reading and even warranted a chuckle!
But if he was there I probably would have been inspired to take a dump and write about useless shit.
But I'm dying to know what this creative thought was!
As I stare at your beautiful slender body lying on the floor
My arousal is heightened by your beauty.
I walk towards you and pick you up with both my hands.
I pull your body close to me and caress you from top to bottom.
I start to feel a heightened lust as I grab you by the neck and squeeze tightly.
I begin to swing your body around with excitement and my lust grows higher.
I now begin to smash your beautiful head against inanimate objects over and over again
I start to growl with excitement as I feel the ecstasy of gold!
And this Veronica is how I express my affection for you.
My beautiful sixteen pound sledgehammer
We should have a poetry contest! The prize could be a Rhyming Dictionary.
How uncultured you are
Please don't flip your lid.
There once was a fellow McSweeny
Who spilled some gin on his weenie
Just to be couth
He added vermouth
Then slipped his girlfriend a martini
There once was a man named Akuf
Whose testosterone went through the roof
Til at last with a hammer
They silenced his clamour
By smashing him in the face.
There once was a man named coxxorz
Whose name reminds me of some past wh*res.
I may get in trouble here by saying all this
But even the memories of these wh*res sometimes brings me bliss
I am going to end this now for fear of being banned
So please admins just slap my left hand.
There once was a man named coxxorz
Whose name reminds me of some past wh*res.
I may get in trouble here by saying all this
But even the memories of these wh*res sometimes brings me bliss
I am going to end this now for fear of being banned
So please admins just slap my left hand.
There was the other part of the conversation:
Revek: So what was your creative thought?
Aku: *starts reading the first two lines of his poem*
Revek: STOP! You came over for a BBQ and chilling at my place, and got inspired to write that while in my presence?
Aku: LOL! Wait until you hear the rest of it.
Revek: Not sure if I want to know where this is going...
Aku: *reads the rest of his poem*
Revek: Ah. I see. Fantasies about inanimate objects. Sounds like my sex life.