You are hereExaminer: 10 games to buy for friends you secretly hate
Examiner: 10 games to buy for friends you secretly hate
Or, you know, other clan members
I have no idea why I would post this story. presents: 10 Games to Buy for Friends You Secretly Hate.
- If you’re thinking about shopping for video games for your hate-friends, here are ten of the biggest flops of 2010 that will get the message across all too clearly. A punch to the back of the head or a box full of feces might be out of the question, but finding a new copy of any game on this list under the Christmas tree will say, “I hate you” just as effectively.
And on a completely unrelated note, I finished my Christmas shopping.
Via N4G.
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I have a collection of hate gifts from you that would fill a hate-gift museum.
You on the otherhand get booze. It takes much less thought.
Nothing says "Please forget me" like a gift of booze.
The other thoughtless gift.