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Zombie 101 tips direct from the source
The Official Call of Duty website is offering up Zombie 101 survival tips.
- In a co-op game, each person should cover an entryway, and communicate at all times! Let your teammates know if you start getting overwhelmed. You never know which way they'll come from, so one person might get swarmed while the others are just waiting around. Once the zombies are clear, go up to the barrier and repair. This earns you points and holds back the next set of approaching zombies, in turn giving you more time to shoot and stab.
Communicate? What they hell kind of cheat is that? How do you enable it? Is there a code?
Link repeated: Black Ops INTEL: Zombie 101
And apparently points aren't just assigned randomly:
- Body - 50 points
- Headshot - 100 points
- Knife - 130 points
- Grenade - 50 points
Every hit rewards you 10 points, but the reward earned for the killing blow depends on how it's delivered:
And just for Graybush:
- As for grenades, while they net you the lowest number of points, they can be a lifesaver when a mass of zombies is headed your way. Use them freely. You get 2 every round and a full load with Max Ammo.
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- 353 reads
Not if you're standing near said window. I swear they give the zombies longer arms with each update, making it currently impossible to repair while they're breaking through.
of course they're FREE, why do you think I hand them out like candy ;)