You are hereDetails on upcoming Black Ops patch

Details on upcoming Black Ops patch

By Blackwalt - Posted on 05 December 2010

Patch 1.04

The original story was in Dutch! Google translated it for me. Since I am too lazy to look for an English version this is what you get.

From PS3life: Details of the Call of Duty: Black Ops 1.04 patch announced

    De vierde patch zit eraan te komen en dit is een flink grote patch met een heleboel verbeteringen en hopelijk stopt dit ook eindelijk de grote freezes waar mensen al tijden last van hebben. The fourth patch is coming out and this is quite a big patch with a lot of improvements and hopefully also finally stop the big freezes all times where people suffer from. Met dit nieuws komt mee dat Treyarch op dit moment ook bezig is alle cheaters, boosters en glitchers te resetten zodat het toch wat eerlijker verloopt. With the news that Treyarch is also currently busy all cheaters and boosters glitchers reset so it takes a bit fairer.

See. It's just like reading Moricerevek's stuff.

Some of the more interesting details:

  • Limit the ability to re-roll supply drops using Hardline Pro to Care Packages only, no other killstreak drops.
  • Several parties resolved issues with getting unexpectedly disbanded.
  • Additional measures to prevent the “Transmission error” and other disconnects. This was most likely to occur with large parties where party members had mixed NAT types.
  • Additional security measures to enhance detection and banning capabilities.
  • Added a negative influencer to all spawn points to decrease the chances of spawning near an enemy. This will further improve spawning protection on top of previous updates.
  • Additional minor reductions in knife lunge. Additional Reduction in minor knife lunge.

Via N4G. It's where I am starting to find everything. Just go there from now on. It'll be easier.

Graybush's picture

The tweak that stood out for me was reducing the chance of spawn/die from chopper gunners. Getting cut down once is bad enough but three, four.... five.......

Coxxorz's picture

I just unlocked Stealth Pro last night, and it's supposed to make you invisible to aircraft.

And my back-stabbing has never been better. Now where did Stormblade get to...

Coxxorz's picture

I won't be able to re-roll turret/sentry crates anymore!

Although not spawning directly in the line of fucking fire would be a nice feature.

Stormblade's picture

Not being able to be knifed from 15 feet away.

I HATE being knifed, in case you didn't know that.

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