You are here21 kills. 1 death.

21 kills. 1 death.

By Blackwalt - Posted on 08 December 2010

Black Ops

So last week I couldn't stop telling everyone about my 18-1 run in Black Ops. A 18 kill ratio! Made possible only by Graybush who revived me at 13 kills to finish out the level. He died doing it but it was a willing death. Honest.

It was on the Launch map and was something I knew I would never see again.

That's old news now.

Last night, again with Graybush, 21 kills, 1 death. A 21 kill ratio.

Twenty one.

We were all pretty surprised particularly since it was on the Firing Range map which does not give itself to longevity.

If I can every figure out Black Ops theater mode I will try to upload what I have of the video. We host migrated part way through so we lost some of the match.

The highlight of the video is Graybush reviving me (again) at 16 kills and me then cowering in a corner for 2 minutes trying to not die. I kept sending Graybush out to die for me and he did so willingly also wanting to preserve my high ratio. SeanMcr was also there with us and I also sent him out to die. Not so willingly I am afraid but it took him a while to figure it out.

Note this says 21 and 0: I suspect that the 21 and 1 is the accurate figureNote this says 21 and 0: I suspect that the 21 and 1 is the accurate figure

21-1. Not bad.

I can't help but wonder if this will be old news in a week or so.

And we have video!

Poorly edited, poor quality, short video but still... video!

I won't tell you how long it took to figure out how to upload it to YouTube.

I won't tell you how many times I had to edit it to get it down to 30 secs.

I won't tell you how mad I was when I discovered the 30 sec limit meant under 30 seconds.

I won't tell you how many times I edited it after I hit 30 secs exactly to get it down to 29 secs.

I won't tell you how I left out the Sentry Gun placement that earned me 5 kills at least.

I won't tell you how how I cut out Graybush's death which started the original video.

I won't tell you how I had to crop out Graybush reviving me as well as two additional kills.

I will, however, tell you to enjoy the 20 second mark where I had to shoot through Graybush to make a kill. An unfortunate yet strangely enjoyable sacrifice.

Q-Bert's picture
Swag's picture



Stormblade's picture

He's now going to spend days trying to recreate that one.

Akuf's picture

I wonder how long it is going to take before that other blackwalt sues you.

Coxxorz's picture

that you could have just uploaded it in two parts.

Blackwalt's picture

That you suck at dividing 5:49 worth of video into 29 sec increments.

If you wish to do the work go right ahead...

It's lucky I finished the one...

MauriceRevek's picture

You tube accepts videos of up to 10:00 minutes. Why not upload your whole 5:49 minute video to you tube?

Blackwalt's picture

Black Ops doesn't...

Limit of 30 seconds as mentioned.

MauriceRevek's picture

Why you did not want to post the whole video to YouTube ans link that one?

Graybush's picture

meat shield.

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