You are hereIGN: 2010 Gamer Girl Gift Guide

IGN: 2010 Gamer Girl Gift Guide

By Blackwalt - Posted on 13 December 2010

Posted due to the best chick Gamer Girl gift ever – halfway down the second page

And it's not the Darth Vader lingerie although that did make Christmas shopping for Guba that much easier.

Via N4G.

Swag's picture

But you never know (case in point, HOPA).

And that TMNT backback is ugly as hell. No girl would wear that.

Akuf's picture

Well maybe those particular girls don't but I know tonnes that do, that are just like them or better.

Akuf's picture

That is most likely what my post/pre pub crawl party is going to be like.

Perhaps even my orphan xmas party too.

Q-Bert's picture

Stormy is getting a giiiiiiift!

MauriceRevek's picture

That he already has one. From Blackwalt. What he does not have though, is the Pink Nintendo DS. There was another pink item in that list that would suit him. Just can't remember what it was right now, and can't exactly go into the list to check it out.

I am keeping my eye open for a pink shotgun.

Stormblade's picture

It's my zombie killing controller. I even have a matching rechargeable battery.

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