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Knowing who your friends are

By Blackwalt - Posted on 30 December 2010

It was a big deal by the way.

Tradition at our company is to send off departing persons with their own personal front page. The front page "gifted" to me at the Official goodbye event was disappointing to say the least.

When my Personal Game Reviewer forced out of me what had transpired at the event and not to mention the fact that I had returned my specially mounted page to the Editor with a "thanks but no thanks" message he (Personal Game Reviewer) rewrote my page and hunted down a paginator to have it rebuilt.

The second presentation at my second goodbye event (the informal one) went over better.

So thanks. In my own humble way, thanks.

Bonus quote: when my Personal Game Reviewer saw the original page, "...why didn't anyone talk to me?"

Personal Game Reviewer's picture

and I still don't know why no one came to talk to me?

Personal Game Reviewer's picture

Who Wii'd on my pants????!

Coxxorz's picture

Because that would mean they knew anything about you, like who you hung around with.

Although to be fair, one girl did mention that she'll miss seeing us on our daily pilgrimage to Starbucks as she passes by on the Queensway.

I think I found a replacement...

Swag's picture

a scan of the front page in question.

MauriceRevek's picture

It says he returned it with a thanks but no thanks. We will have to settle for paraphrasing.

Swag's picture


MauriceRevek's picture

Zoom in, you can almost read the whole thing.

MauriceRevek's picture

As to what the first page said for you to give it back.

"Thanks what's your name for (how many years was it? 18? That long?) your 18 long years of service. You will be missed. Maybe."

Guba's picture

That was even better job than the original.
Perhaps the editor should have contracted you to do it.

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