You are hereZombie Headshot Experiment
Zombie Headshot Experiment
In the non-virtual world
Vaguely connected to Left 4 Dead.
- So how easy is it for someone with little experience with firearms to actually pick up a gun and start shooting zombies in the head? The guys from RoosterTeeth have decided to try it out. Here’s the result.
Which reminds me, we should play more Left 4 Dead 2 sometime. Like on a scheduled gaming night. Wow, doesn't a scheduled weekly gaming night sound like such a good idea?
Via GeeksAreSexy.
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- 357 reads
It really is him!
I would not have picked the shotgun!
It's a Coxxorz-Blackwalt mutant clone!!
No Rye in the picture.
Say, why does every Zombie game have sniper rifles, anyway?