You are hereUsage Base Billing to be Reversed
Usage Base Billing to be Reversed
If you were the Prime Minister of Canada, what would you prefer:
A small group of happy money grubbing CEO's or a country full of pissed of voters? It seems that some sanity has been restored as the PM has told the CRTC to reverse it's decision to allow the big boys to charge usage based billing, or they would do it.
[Edit: Link fixed]
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I signed the petition, and I want nothing more than to see Bell rot in hell, but ...
I was about to sign a long-winded rant here, but the bottom line is this:
- Bell/Rogers/Videotron is an INTERNET PROVIDER AND A CONTENT PROVIDER, that's a conflict of interest.
- Bell/Rogers/Videotron is arguing for charging ALL their users (even the ones resold by Teksavvy/Acanac) amounts linked to their (Bell's) costs. They do not want any "unlimited" packages sold by Teksavvy/Acanac to exist. I am all for that. But The Boys can't possibly make me believe that 1 GB of packets costs them $1.00 to push out. I am an ISP, I know the cost is around $0.01 and lower.
- Bell/Rogers/Videotron already charge a shitload of dosh for crap service. Canada has the highest cost in the world to connect to the Internet. Our taxes financed most of the wires above our heads, and I do Networks for a living; don't come to me crying about the high cost of keeping the technology up to date.
TL;DR: Fuck you Rogers. And the horse you rode in on.
That the kind of shit I'm talking about right there.
Another important point is that Bell wants you to think that the small ISP's are causing congestion on Bell's network. Congestion might have been an issue a decade ago with the growing popularity of shared cable networks, but is hardly the case now. The fact is, the only part of Bell's network third parties use is the regulated Gateway Access Service (GAS). This is the "last mile" you keep hearing about, and is required to connect you to your ISP. After that, all internet traffic is through them, not Bell. And don't forget that this last mile is protected from competition, as no other companies besides phone and cable are allowed to run wires to your home! The only reason we even have third party ISPs is that the CRTC at some point caved to public pressure and required Bell to lease access to your house. They would like nothing more than to drive these ISPs out of business to restore their monopoly. And a good way to do that is force them to overcharge us for internet access like they do.
So I would also like to add "Fuck you CRTC" to the argument.
That's what I'm talking about too, or something.
You know, I may be missing something, but Rogers already will charge me if I go over their usage cap (60gb) and they charge something like 1$/Gb if i go over as Q-bert said.
Doesn't anyone have a problem with a cap in general?
60GB? Ha! Try 25 after they match Bell. Then it will be $2/GB over that. That's how a duopoly works.
Caps in general are a scam, but forbidding the competition from offering Unlimited access is probably what mobilized the backlash.
I was going to post this after the CRTC chair went before the parliamentary committee to get his hide tanned.
Was this the article you were trying to link to?