You are herePlanetXbox360: Top Ten Zombie Centric Games of All Time

PlanetXbox360: Top Ten Zombie Centric Games of All Time

By Blackwalt - Posted on 23 February 2011

Total awesomeness...

Although it's not really totally awesome because CoD Zombie Mode only came in at number seven. There is something seriously wrong with that. Everyone knows CoD Zombie Mode should have been first, second and third. Not to mention that it was the Black Ops version listed and not the World at War version.

I read this story three times (so far), you only have to read it once: Top Ten Zombie Centric Games of All Time

    With that, we’ve decided to dig our way into the hordes of the undead to bring you our top ten favorite zombie games of all time. Now, some of them are a series, and others are solo games that manage to stand out on their own accord. But all of our choices definitely feature a zombie or two…or two million.

Via N4G.

Coxxorz's picture

What is it about zombies that compels you to do things over and over again?

Stormblade's picture

L4D series is good. COD Zombie mode is better. And most of the rest on the list are seriously WTF.

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