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What should Stormblade do with his month off?

By Coxxorz - Posted on 01 March 2011

Non-stop gaming extravaganza
9% (1 vote)
Write a book
18% (2 votes)
Help Swag install home network
9% (1 vote)
Finish building his Death Star in Arundel
36% (4 votes)
Get a job
27% (3 votes)
Total votes: 11
Akuf's picture

.... Go to the gym?
Sorry couldn't resist

Stormblade's picture

Although I've been informed that once I start working again, it will be part of my routine ... or else.

Akuf's picture

Since you are not working I would take advantage of it. Do a low volume based routine with HIIT every second day. You will trim down in no time. Along with a decent diet.

Coxxorz's picture

High Impact Inner Thighs?

Akuf's picture


Akuf's picture


Stormblade's picture

When I start working again, we could discuss it. I spent a year and a half with a trainer in Colorado who understood what I wanted and drove me towards it, sometimes painfully. I came home in the best shape I had been in since I was 18. Unfortunately I have let it all go and will start almost from scratch.

He, like you, believed the machines were a waste of time.

Akuf's picture

Then I guess he knew what he was doing.

Machines are a waste of time but they do have their place.
I only use them when I am injured and even then it depends on the injury. And only if the machine is cable based or independent lever based (like hammer strength).

MauriceRevek's picture

Have use this:

Akuf's picture

It's funny you found the men's version
I didnt even know it existed until now.

Revek you can ask qbert for his screen cleaner and make sure you clean the mouse and keyboard too.

Swag's picture

Also wanted to inquire about various Cable tv alternatives. Sadly, after some research it seems like options like the Boxee box and Netflixs have very limited Canadian content. And getting local content through an HD antenna seems like more trouble than it's worth (maybe).

I even considered apple tv, believe it or not, and while that did seem decent (in terms of content selection), you can't stream anything with it.

Although I can still stream stuff quite well with the Xbox.

And Hopa seems to still want regular tv :S

Stupid Robbers.

Blackwalt's picture

I think that the Boxee Box is excellent as a media streamer and am very happy with mine.

However, I almost exclusively use it for local files. I have it connect to my D-Link NAS to read files. M4Vs and AVIs.

The remote looks good until you realize that the keyboard is not backlit. It is a pain to see the keys in a dim room such as 90% of all home theaters.

Miles ahead of the WD HD TV+ in media supported, interface and remote.

Everything I have watched has supported rewind and fast forward although the Boxee Buttons are the skip 5 seconds forward or skip 5 seconds ahead type not a true rewind/fast forward.

All I know about the Apple TV is how much fun Coxxorz has watching his HD files in standard Definition because it didn't like talking to his older 50" Sony.

Akuf's picture

Don't get me wrong, I think the Boxee Box is a really cool gadget. I think it is probably the best local streamer out there because it supports pretty much everything and upconverts it too. And I really like the apps feature and the fact that it has a browser. So in a sense it is almost a mini HTPC.

As for the FF and REW thing, all that would happen is the progress bar would move forward and back but the video would stay where it is. Where as the PS3 you can increase either one by: 1.5, 10, 30, 60 and 120x times the speed, is there a setting for this, perhaps?. I was willing to live with the unintuitive remote (Ah yes, I forgot to mention the back lit thing as well) and the buffering.

I have used boxee on my laptop. And it works great but was tired of having to plug in all the time. Which is why I went and got the box.

Well swag, there you have it blackwalt has one. I think what you should do is get one try it out and if you have better luck than I do, with it then all the power to you.

Swag's picture

I'll probably pass on the Boxee (and alternatives) till they at least have decent canadian content.

Coxxorz's picture

Canadian even!

Akuf's picture

Have you seen the canadian version of Netflix?

90% of the most recent stuff is not available in Canada!

Coxxorz's picture

But it's getting better... slowly.


Akuf's picture

Though I still think it is no where near where it should be.

Question: Are there commercials etc?

Coxxorz's picture

But also no DVD extras.

And it uses up your internet bandwidth, which may be a problem for Rogers & Bell (Robbers & Hell) customers.

But there are one or two things you can still do about it. Tony Clement's tweet was just the start, the CRTC needs to be told loud & clear by consumers that more extensive changes are needed for Canadian Internet to not suck.


Q-Bert's picture

If you don't hate the Liberals, you could participate in Marc Garneau's petition.

There's also a massive petition at

Coxxorz's picture

But I also hear Marc Garneau has a petition you can cosign, and there's a new one at OpenMedia too.

Blackwalt's picture

Keep in mind that Boxee was first a software solution that is still available for free download.

Both Mac and Windows clients are available. It even exists on Linux. And if you are totally whacked (Coxxorz) there is a Client for your AppleTV. Strange but true.

They are not exactly identical but it gives you a good feel for the interface and shows you what content is available in Canada.

I use the Boxee software to pickup streamed hockey games on my second monitor while playing Xbox on my primary monitor.

Guba uses the Boxee software to stream videos from our NAS to her iMac upstairs and controls the Boxee client with the Boxee Remote software on her iPhone.

Coxxorz's picture

And if they made a 72" XBR that supports 3D, I'd be all over that bastard.

In the meantime, the living room Xbox does a good enough job that I don't yet crave a Boxee. But as an owner of the new and old Apple TV's, I am "Box-curious".

Akuf's picture

Here is a boxee box review I posted on best buy and futureshop
I hope it helps you out

The good, bad and the ugly about Boxee Box

I bought it yesterday, bringing it back today after work because it
just isn't up to my expectations.  However, not all is bad so here is
what I discovered after playing with it for about two hours

- Plays everything you throw at it.  Much better support than AppleTV,
never used the WD Live but from what I read it doesn't support
everything either.  It played: .flv, .mkv, DivX. XviD, Mpeg, mp4 etc.
etc.  This is a huge plus I don't
think there is another machine out there that can do this.

- Pretty good interface takes a little getting used to, but it's good.

- Good support for web content.  Though FYI for the people who are
complaining about this.  Hulu, Vudu etc.  ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN
CANADA!!! But I was able to watch the CTV online shows (V).  With no

- Very easy to setup.  Like a previous poster said people who don't
know what they are doing will have problems with this.  I had wireless
up and running in less then 10 minutes.  I am using a wired connection
though just because it is
more stable.

- It supports UPnP but No DLNA

The Bad:

- It supports uPnP, but not DLNA, this is not a big deal (for me) as I
didn't need it to see other DLNA devices.  It can see uPnP servers
this was enough for me.  Since I am running tvMobili through out the

- Strike 1 - Remote control, though at first it seems very cool and it
looks cool, but it is not intuitive at all!  To have to hold "ALT" to
get numbers?? And there is no shift key?? You have to keep pressing
Caps on and Off to type mixed
case words.  Though this isn't really a deal breaker for me but it is
definitely really annoying... Strike 1

- Strike 2 - Some stuff buffers first before it starts (which is ok).
But sometimes this buffering is way too long!

The Ugly

- Strike 3 - And this was the big Deal Breaker for me.  Fast
Forwarding, Rewind doesn't work!!!!! No matter what I was watching it
just didn't work, whether it was youtube, a file, other web content.
This did it for me.  Too bad, because
it is a great machine with a lot of potential.

Bottom line: Boxee box is a very cool gadget.  And if you are willing
to live with the "strikes" I am sure you will be very satisified with
it.  I on the other hand a simple thing like fast forward not working
Maybe the next generations (if any) will be better, we will have to wait and see

Akuf's picture

... To the buffering thing.
(I'm replying because the diePhone won't let me scroll in the text box)

The PS3 playing the exact same file doesn't buffer at all.
Why you may ask did I try the boxee when I have a PS3

PS3 though very adequate, does not support MKV, FLV and some other formats.

But I highly recommend tvMobili as a DLNA Server software been using it a few weeks and it is awesome

Whatever you do DO NOT BUY THE CRAPPLE TV!!!

Stormblade's picture

I would buy an Apple TV before anything else. Go Apple!

Akuf's picture

And here my friend is a major difference between you and I. Unlike you I don't like being tied down and forced to use anything. In some situations however, I welcome being tied down. Which it seems that's still a difference between you and I.

No offence

Stormblade's picture

I am a big believer in not being forced to use stuff. I use Apple products because they just work and do what they're supposed to.

Q-Bert's picture

You can re-flash the AppleTV... But I have iVI now and that can automatically take any format and convert it in to iTunes automatically. And it's free.

Coxxorz's picture

Didn't think so.

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