You are hereI'm still in shock

I'm still in shock

By Stormblade - Posted on 09 March 2011

Fractured vertebrae, serious concussion. Season over and maybe his career as well. Right now the main hope is that Max Pacioretty will be able to have a normal life. His parents came from Michigan to watch the game.

This is hockey? Honestly, if Chara gets anything less than 10 games for this, I will stop watching hockey this year at least and maybe permanently. The NHL is a farce.

Get well, Max.

Swag's picture


(to answer directly, whether or not Chara did it or purpose is irrelevant, some action needs to occur)

Stormblade's picture

Season over for me. I can't support a league that can condone this type of violence.

Blackwalt's picture

Nothing new about violence in hockey. Or bad hits in hockey (with or without suspensions).

Your problem is not with violence in hockey.

Your problem is with violence against Montreal Canadien players.

If the hit had gone the other way (a Canadien plastering a Bruin) you would be perfectly fine with it.

You may (will) claim otherwise but it's the truth.

Stormblade's picture

But if Chara was on my team, I would want him suspended. A poll done at the Boston Globe had 60% of voters wanting a suspension. And they are BRUINS fans! This isn't about the Canadiens, it's about some integrity in a sport that seems to have lost all of it. I have been disgusted with many of the league decisions this year. This is just the icing on the cake.

Nothing about that hit is okay. It was brutal. And what the league did today was completely unforgivable. That's my opinion. If that makes me an idiot, I can live with that.

Q-Bert's picture

If that makes me an idiot, I can live with that.

You've proven that you can.

On another note, you can start watching Women's Beach Volleyball with Aku, or Men's Beach Volleyball with Revek, as your new spectator's sport.

Coxxorz's picture

For not hitting him hard enough.

MauriceRevek's picture

Stormblade and I are in complete agreement. I don't watch hockey verry often, but I happened to be watching the game last night just before this happened, and was dumbfounded that Chara could even do something like this. This was not an attempt to send the player into the bench, this was line him up with the window and take him out.

If he had wanted to send him into the bench, he could have pushed harder, and then his side or hip would have taken the hit instead of his head. Even just that would still be a vicious hit, but Pacioretty would at least not have a broken neck!

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