You are hereNew Duke Nukem Forever Trailer

New Duke Nukem Forever Trailer

By Blackwalt - Posted on 23 April 2011

Come Get Some

"There's more where that came from!"

No, I mean it, there more at the Official Duke Nukem Forever Media Section.

FireChicken's picture

Anyone know if it's a real one?

Blackwalt's picture
    Your construction
    Smells of corruption
    I manipulate to recreate
    This air to ground saga
    Gotta launder my karma

    I said hallelujah to the sixteen loyal fans
    You’ll get down on your muthafuckin' knees
    And it's time for your sickness again
    Come on and tell me what you need
    Tell me what is making you bleed
    We got two more minutes and
    We gonna cut to what you need
    So one of six so tell me
    One do you want to live
    And one of seven tell me
    Is it time for your muthafuckin' ass to give
    Tell me is it time to get down on your muthafuckin' knees
    Tell me is it time to get down

    I'm blown to the maxim
    Two hemispheres battlin'
    I'm blown to the maxim
    Two hemispheres battlin'
    Suckin' up, one last breath
    Take a drag off of death

    Etc, etc, etc...
FireChicken's picture

One for the download :)

Blackwalt's picture

...Rocky Horror Picture show (obviously a cover) but I don't think that is quite right.

Swag's picture

Will it help him get Laid?

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