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Better than asking!

By Stormblade - Posted on 11 May 2011

So we're moving again. No, I am not telling any of you when yet so you can't make plans to be somewhere else. The GF bought a condo not far from where we are. It's a really nice spot backing on a park next to the Aviation Parkway.

Last time we moved, Revek was one of the few who showed up to help. He got two things out of it: a) a date with one of my GF's friends, and b) the GF's freezer on loan. I have spent most of the past year and a bit listening to gripes about not having the freezer despite the fact we have no place for it.

Now we do. Soooo, she wants her freezer back. To be fair, Revek had been warned. So when she suggested I ask him, I told her I had a better idea. I would just post abuse on the site! Way more fun for me and he wouldn't blame her for it. A win all around.

Swag's picture

I live near the aviation Parkway.

Coxxorz's picture

To... um... stuff.

MauriceRevek's picture

Come over to my place, then you and I can load it on your car. Or was that you and me? Me and you? Us can load it in your motormobile? Miyou? Wallawalawashington?

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