You are hereShe said "Sure, why not?"!!!!!!

She said "Sure, why not?"!!!!!!

By Stormblade - Posted on 16 May 2011

So last year, for Valentine's day, I decided I was going to ask my GF to marry me. I got one of the gold suites at the Chateau Laurier and arranged for gourmet dining and a very romantic weekend. The proposal was to be a surprise. This is an important piece of information.

I found out about a week before the event that she really hates surprises, especially if they happen in public. This did nothing to calm my already frayed nerves, so I decided I would ask her in the hotel room before going to dinner. We were all dressed up and as we were going to leave, I dropped to one knee and asked her to marry me. She said 'maybe, but not now'.

Since she had in the past been asked twice and had said 'no', I figured this wasn't all bad and we enjoyed our weekend anyway.

Fast forward to last week. She bought a condo (as previously mentioned on the site) and we have been discussing living arrangements. She is also not the type to live with someone without firm commitment plans. So during one discussion, I pulled out the ring, got on one knee and asked again. This time she thought about it for a bit and said "Sure, why not?". I actually spent some time coaxing a "Yes" out of her.

Therefore, at some point, we will set a date. Some of you will be invited while others will have their pictures given to security to ensure you stay out.

Coxxorz's picture

Or at least there would be, if you hadn't foolishly reset the 1-year counter last week.

Q-Bert's picture

... since I know exactly which list I will be part of, here's my latest picture:

Stormblade's picture

You didn't look that good.

Graybush's picture

I don't have daughters so I have to ask... does giving someone "the look" come naturally to girls or is it a skill handed down from mothers to daughters? (apologies to the female members. No offense intended).

On another note:

Congrats Stormblade!

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