You are hereHow not to tease George Romero
How not to tease George Romero
In Call of the Dead that is
This picture truly is worth a thousand words. But you have to pay attention to really get the most enjoyment out of it. It does make Greybush and I (me) look like idiots so it's worth your time.
So this is me in the distance. I am about to start shooting explosive harpoons from my Scavenger at Graybush. You know, because it is fun. Graybush had been called away by work so we were screwing around before ending the level.
I emptied most of my Scavenger into him and he took pictures. Please note I am standing far enough away that the explosions from the harpoons don't hurt me. This is an important fact.
A Scavenger harpoon stuck in Greybush: Good times
Bullseye!: right between the eyes
So we did this for so long we forgot that the grandfather of all Zombies, George Romero, was still wandering around.
But he was.
He wandered up the stairs in front of Graybush and got caught in one of the harpoon explosions which activated him – making him angry and fast. Don't forget fast. Since Graybush was standing closer to him, he attacked Graybush. I thought this was hilarious and once I finished reloading I shot all three harpoons from this clip into George.
One important note about Scavenger harpoons.
- After the player shoots, it takes two seconds for the bullet to explode and has a fairly large radius and high damage, enough to usually kill large clustered groups.
Two second delay.
A lot can happen in two seconds. Essentially it takes a half second or so for each shot. Meaning that I had filled George Romero with three separate timed explosives. Not a problem for me at the time as I was far enough away and he was wailing on Graybush.
But then Graybush went down and needed to be revived. Again no problem for me per se. Except this meant that George Romero was no longer interested in Graybush. This meant that George Romero immediately turned and came after me.
Let's recap. I just shot George Romero with three timed explosive harpoons, none that had yet to go off. All of the explosions would be harmful to me. George Romero was now fast – very fast. George Romero was now running directly at me. And he was about to start exploding.
Yes, I had made George Romero into an improvised explosive device and he was now running after me.
I ran. Not much choice. With the soundtrack of Graybush's laughter following me I turned and ran for the nearest corner and just made it around as the first explosion went off. I lived.
But there were two more explosions to come and I was in a long straight away heading toward a door.
Run Buffy run!
The glow coming from around the corner in the above photo is from the second and third explosions. Surprisingly I was just far enough away to survive the second explosion. The third explosion?
Not so much.
The last picture is not from the same match but it does get my point across. It may have been editted slightly.
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- 364 reads
Did you actually catch the harpoons mid-air, or is that a graphics glitch of them stuck in you already?
It looked too cool not to catch on camera.