You are hereHoC Random Cake of the Day – 07142011

HoC Random Cake of the Day – 07142011

By Blackwalt - Posted on 14 July 2011

Complete with the classic Half-pint logo

Is this not one awesome cake? It was even made of ice cream!

Coincidentally, a friend's daughter works at Dairy Queen. She was given carte blanche with the cake design and I would have to say she did pretty well. Thanks Ri!

This design was particularly appropriate as the guest list was primarily HoC members.

Coxxorz, Stormblade, Q-Bert, Moricerevek, Aku and Snuffy D were all there along with a few others.

Hardwood, Graybush and Personal Game Reviewer all blew us off because of family issues, too drunk and had to wash his hair. Respectively. What can I say. He does have nice hair. Maybe next time.

Personal Game Reviewer's picture

... how difficult it is to wash, condition, straighten, blowdry and then quaff this mess. It has to be done in numbered order and if it's not, then I walk around with hairs out of place for days! ;p

Seriously, it was my weekend to work. It messed up everything for me. Hope it was a great Birthday! The cake looks scrumptious. Then again, anything looks scrumptious because you didn't leave the damn key to this locker and I have been eating leftover cans of pineapple for months now....

Ice's picture

That I blew you off as well.

Q-Bert's picture


Stormblade's picture

He's every bit as good at providing straight lines as Revek. The difference is Ice can spell.

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