You are hereImage Galleries / 2008 New Year Frag Fest / PICT3445

A couple of HoC members hand over the controls to some lowly humans while they take a well deserved break.
Just found out our daily lifestyle is called "quarantine"
You are hereImage Galleries / 2008 New Year Frag Fest / PICT3445
A couple of HoC members hand over the controls to some lowly humans while they take a well deserved break.
He is not fat! He is just big boned! And has a healthy appetite.
So by healthy appetite you mean he eats the other cats food.
It would explain why she is so tiny compaired to him. They are both the same age.
The furry M&M's.
Are those Morice's cats?? He got two of them ?
It doesn't show here, but the black one is female and really tiny.
The grey male is already fat.