You are hereTaking one for the team: co-operative Zombie style
Taking one for the team: co-operative Zombie style
So is it time for a change from Call of Duty Zombie mode? Blackwalt finds out
Temporarily, Graybush, temporarily.
Back in March of this year a trailer took the (gaming) internet by storm. Even we published it – Dead Island Trailer
- Even though the trailer doesn’t feature any gameplay footage, we were able to get some first details on what to expect from the game, which is being developed by Techland Studios (Nail’d, Call of Juarez games). - Planet Xbox
This, of course, was the trailer for a new four player co-operative zombie survival game Dead Island. With RPG elements. Who knows. It could even be good. For a Left 4 Dead clone that is.
Various previews have been strong. In print and on the web. Techland recently released a new release trailer:
The release of a release trailer would make you think that this might be released soon. Like this Tuesday September 6th.
And it is!
So, taking one for the team, I have pre-ordered it from EBGames and will be picking it up Tuesday morning. At Carlingwood. Right after my dentist appointment. Also at Carlingwood. Which is the primary reason I ordered it from EBGames. At Carlingwood. Not at Bayshore. Sadly it was closer than you would think.
I also admit to some confusion between the released versions:
That also made me lean toward the EBGames version. Despite Coxxorz's's's bargain corner deal. See the top block. (on the right) {labelled COXXORZ RANDOM DEAL OF THE DAY}
Anyway, I digress. More than normal.
I will be picking up Dead Island this week to test it out for the clan to see if it is worth playing.
- --- another digression begins ---
PLEASE NOTE: this is in no way a suggestion that you buy Dead Island. That decision is totally up to you and I am not responsible for your poor purchasing decisions.
PLEASE NOTE NOTE: If you are upset that the "only games" that are covered on Herd of Cats are games that Blackwalt is interested in, well then, write your own game coverage. You can do that you know.
--- another digression ends ---
I will post my impressions and my experiences here on the site. As an additional item Dead Island is getting an iOS app: The Dead Island Map App. I have never seen this kind of tie in before so I also plan on picking this up and testing it out as a gaming aid on my iPad. $2.99 seems a little steep but what I won't do for you guys.
The official games site can be visited at Dead Island dot com.
Game Information:
- General Information:
- first-person melee combat
- 4 player co-op
- weapon customization
- set on an open world tropical island
- RPG elements for character development
- hordes of gruesome zombies
Dead Island combines first-person action with a heavy focus on melee combat, character development and customization of a vast array of weapons. All of these gameplay features presented in a dark story inspired by classic zombie movies with a gritty and engrossing campaign that can be played with up to 4 players in co-op mode.
I'll let you know how it goes sometime on Tuesday. Unless it goes well then maybe sometime on Wednesday... or, you know, Thursday. No rush.
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I've been seeing this and wondering if we were going to try it. Now you can guinea pig it and let me know.
Glad you serve SOME purpose.
My pants don't walk around on their own you know!
Not that I'm wearing pants...