You are hereHoC Zombie Mode Tip of the Day: the Hacker VI

HoC Zombie Mode Tip of the Day: the Hacker VI

By Blackwalt - Posted on 10 September 2011

Recently we have spent a lot of time in the new Call of Duty Black Ops Rezurrection, The Moon map. Why shouldn't you benefit from our "educational" experience.

    Did I say that yesterday's tip was the last one about the Hacker? I lied. It's okay though as this tip is cooler than fezes. But not as cool as accordions cause that would be impossible.
  • you can hack dropped power-ups! For $5000 you can hack any power-up into a Max Ammo! See, now that's cool. Of course, if you have a Max Ammo you can hack it into a Fire Sale.
  • you can not hack the Tickle Trunk. But you can hack a weapon from the Tickle Trunk before you grab it, essentially re-rolling the dice. For $600. If you hack the re-roll it does something with allowing everyone to grab the gun but we have not done this.

Technically I looked up some of the previous Hacker tips. We did not learn all of them on our own. But some of them, yes.

Stormblade's picture

We HAVE hacked the tickle trunk so that someone else can take the weapon. Now Graybush can get a weapon from the tickle trunk instead of the usual teddy bear.

SeanmcR6's picture

what fun is that...I want graybush to get the teddy bear EVERYTIME! ;)

Coxxorz's picture

I still think it should be possible to hack the teddy bear.

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