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HoC experiences Dead Island: Release Day

By Blackwalt - Posted on 06 September 2011

Off to a slow start

Update, 1:36: Have game. Installing to hard drive. Two seperate codes to punch in with Special Edition – The Ripper (weapon) and Bloodbath Arena (DLC). Our EBGames guy claimed that they only had SE versions for pre-orders. Everyone else got a regular edition. As I saw him sell a regular edition to the guy in front of me I will accept what he said as truth. Plus we know him.


I don't actually have the game yet, so really, nothing to report. Maybe later.

The whole family got off to a slow start today but Rolly is off to school (first day) and Guba is off to work. I'm thinking of crawling out of bed and doing something. Well, I'm thinking about it...

I'm also thinking of showering, shaving and getting dressed. In no particular order. Although it's kind of cold here in the basement in my skivvies. And I'm only saying I'm wearing skivvies to stop horrible images from forming in your minds. Oops, sorry, too late.

Not to make you think I've done nothing so far. I managed to get to my computer long enough to download the Official Dead Island Map App but I haven't installed it yet.

I'm thinking I may want to wait until after I have picked up the game...

Coxxorz's picture

Very informative.

Cancelling order...

Blackwalt's picture

Still playing. You would like how you can go anywhere and that you have to hunt for things.

But jury still out on play style as I haven't played it enough!

Coxxorz's picture

What is this "outside" that everyone keeps talking about?!!

MauriceRevek's picture

"... I will accept what he sayd as truth."

Stormblade's picture

I'm sure we can find it somewhere ...

Coxxorz's picture

But can it revert back to a more intelligent version of this website?

MauriceRevek's picture

Where intelligence was never a criteria

Intelligence? What's that? Is that, like, smarts?

Only the dumb and the desperate navigate here

Stormblade rhulz! Or Sucks! Or Both!

Blackwalt's picture

Now prove it.

Coxxorz's picture

Fix typos later.

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