You are hereGears of War 3 Steelbooks not guaranteed

Gears of War 3 Steelbooks not guaranteed

By Coxxorz - Posted on 15 September 2011

This week gamers with Gears of War 3 pre-orders at Future Shop were dismayed to discover that they will not automatically be receiving the exclusive "Steelbook" case that the electronics giant had earlier promised. Instead, they are asking the angry mobs to amass outside their stores in the middle of the night.

Future Shop staff chirped/twitted/blogged the following cheerful letdown on their forums:

"Alrighty guys, you are all anticipating this game to come on Sept 20 and we will give you a sneak peek at some of the promotion we will have running for the launch of Gears of War 3!

FS exclusive steelbook:
- This is an exclusive midnight opening bonus off with purchase of Gears of War 3! Future Shop will have 60 stores open on Sept 19 at 11:59PM. We only have 6000 units available so be sure to get to your local Future Shop store and line up! (6000 available chainwide)

Gears of War 3 Replica Lancer Giveaway:
- Line up early for your chance to win a Gears of War 3 Replica Lancers at select stores! Check out for more details!

Trade in games offer:
- We will also have a "Get Gears of War 3 regular edition when you trade in 2 games" promotion on that night as well.

Hope that helps! Cant wait!"

As an added bonus, only 3 stores in Ottawa will be hosting a midnight launch of this highly anticipated game, in order to maximize wait times. The convenient Merivale Rd. location is not listed among them.

Coxxorz was unable to comment due to bloodied knuckles and a slightly destroyed keyboard.

Akuf's picture

We should post that graphic on the messageboard and see what happens!

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