You are hereGears of War 3 T-Shirts not guaranteed
Gears of War 3 T-Shirts not guaranteed
The exciting Gears of War 3 news for gamers continued today, with Future Shop parent company Best Buy Canada announcing special midnight openings... at a total of 20 stores nationwide. Ottawa residents were rejoicing with the news that their fair city was one of those blessed with midnight... openness. At one lucky store. Suffice it to say that it's not the one near you.
But for those of you willing to brave the wilds of Coventry Road, you will be rewarded with a free Gears of War T-shirt! You just need to be one of the first 100 people in line. Which will be 5x as long as usual, due to the NO other stores being open at midnight. The remaining Best Buy locations will also have shirts, but be prepared to show up before regular store opening in the morning. Quantities are limited to about 25 each, and pre-order copy holders will receive no special preference.
In fact, they'll probably spit on you.
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a hard time getting a 'copy' of this game.
Just go on Steam. They never run out.
It's the goodies we were promised for pre-ordering.
Can you download a Steelbook on Steam?
You'll look at your Steel figurine of Marcus Fenix for a week, or whatever it is, then the wife will put it in the basement.
Same with all the other junk they offer for 'limited releases'.
But I can trade the game back to Steam afterwards, right?
Too Poor?
If I keep buying Blackwalt's Picks and have no way of selling them when they suck.
Listening to you two argue about Gear of War 3 on steam.
Please continue.
Eventually one of the two of you will clue in to the fact that it is an Xbox 360 exclusive.
I'm sure it will be available in 6-12 months on steam.
And you will still be arguing about it.
I was actually thinking about the Dead Island shortage of physical copies.
Like how the fact that my preorder is at best Buy doesn't stop me from blaming Future Shop.
Stupid Future Shop...
Too bad I don't do Midnight launches.
You're picking up 5 copies for us. I'm a "large".
The Wal Mart "Any Edition for $59.83" deal has been confirmed to be an error. So add those people to the lineup at Coventry.